New York State legislators are in the process of proposing a bill that would inflict adult charges towards minors who participate in “The Knockout Game,” the proposed legislation would penalize teenagers as adults.
The revolution of pranks have taken on a paradigm shift, and the perpetrators are malevolently attacking unsuspecting victims intermittently, and their impudence is not void of follies.
The metaphor is called “one hit quitter,” where the objective is to sucker-punch random pedestrians or civilians, in an attempt to knock the victim out with a single blow. This is a syndrome generally orchestrated by groups of young passersby, assaulting unsuspected victims as part of a new humor-epidemic, a post-influential chain reaction syndrome, popularized by social media and online videos. Their cascading belligerence has permeated at least six states, and is spiraling; a trivial sensationalistic appeal that appears to be an unorthodox euphoria that defies description.

Condemnable Actions
What these groups of juvenile delinquents are doing is horrendously appalling, a reprehensibility conducive to therapy, counseling and institutionalization, there’s no way to grapple with such a spawn of collective idiocy, and what was once the crux of teenage legacy, has now withered into the cold desert air. The irony of adolescence has becomes nothing more than a memory of avidity.

Capital District Republican Assemblyman Jim Tedisco presented a legislature called “Knockout Game Deterrent Act” a peculiar bill indeed, a bill that would protect innocent civilians from being sucker-punched or assaulted. The proposed legislation would subject “Knockout Game” assault perpetrators and (participators) of up to 25 years imprisonment, regardless of age. The Republican Assemblyman has also contacted the Federal Government to assist in curbing this seemingly ubiquitous spiral stealth of social media games.
If this new legislation is enacted, teens can no longer circumvent the “Youthful Offender Act” to mitigate their omission, and eventually expunge their records after serving community service and detention. Teens trialled as adults, a parallel consequence.
But are these crimes equatable to that of lawmakers implementing coercive policies, as a justifiable equilibrium? Being oblivious to social media epidemics and subjugating juvenile sociopathic behaviors to congressional policies will only exacerbate the situation.
Jim Tedisco’s public proclamation needs ratification by, “The United States Code of Law,” a codification of the Federal Statues, with over 50 titles consisting of the criminal and penal code of the Federal Government of the United States.
USC : Title 18 – PART IV – CHAPTER 403 – JUVENILE DELINQUENCY – § 5031, States
(For the purposes of this chapter, a “juvenile” is a person who has not attained his eighteenth birthday, or for the purpose of proceedings and disposition under this chapter for an alleged act of juvenile delinquency, a person who has not attained his twenty-first birthday, and “juvenile delinquency” is the violation of a law of the United States committed by a person prior to his eighteenth birthday which would have been a crime if committed by an adult or a violation by such a person of section 922 (x).)
(A juvenile alleged to be delinquent may be detained only in a juvenile facility or such other suitable place as the Attorney General may designate. Whenever possible, detention shall be in a foster home or community based facility located in or near his home community. The Attorney General shall not cause any juvenile alleged to be delinquent to be detained or confined in any institution in which the juvenile has regular contact with adult persons convicted of a crime or awaiting trial on criminal charges. Insofar as possible, alleged delinquents shall be kept separate from adjudicated delinquents. Every juvenile in custody shall be provided with adequate food, heat, light, sanitary facilities, bedding, clothing, recreation, education, and medical care, including necessary psychiatric, psychological, or other care and treatment.)
Seeking the Federal Government’s assistance to amend, reform or repeal a Juvenile Delinquent Law, to enact a bill of specificity seem rogue, and disregarding social media being a major influence seems like political shenanigan. Ironically, Juvenile crimes committed outside the parameters of the “Knockout Game Deterrent Act,” would be subjected to the same consequences; essentially, “Peter pays for Paul, and Paul pays for all.” So teens, don’t go shoplifting or fighting in clubs, because you might be liable to the “The Knockout Game Deterrent Act,” guaranteed insurance policy. (sarcastic metaphor.)