The tender feelings of the American people are being dealt with by ultra-liberal politicians according to the New York Post. Mayor Bill de Blasio is creating a citywide safe space for New York City’s municipal workers and offering them psychotherapy sessions to deal with the results of the presidential election. This is not a misprint.
The mayor, whose very sanity is beginning to be questioned by millions of New Yorkers, is telling his electorate they should indulge any potential weakness inside them that makes them believe they can’t deal with the results of American democracy when the results don’t go their way.
In other words, those easily injured, inherently weak or without the personal fortitude to keep fighting for what they believe in, have a friend in Mayor Bill. What a compassionate man he is, and inclusive too.
Mayor Bill is a textbook example of how “progressives” perceive the nation. On occasion, they will coax people into dependency on the state, whether for food, shelter, the raising of their children or hand-holding. That means anything in life that doesn’t go their way. Your team didn’t win the game, no problem. You get a trophy for participating or maybe the next game will have no score to prevent adverse reactions or trauma for the defeated.
The kindly and thoughtful liberal is providing free therapy to cope with the results of an election too. What better way for those disenfranchised by an open and fair democratic presidential election to hide from the obvious? If therapy is not the answer, perhaps some looting is in order, burning the American flag or open assault on those who disagree?
Could it be that the mayor believes the democratic process has injured them to such an extent that they need to limp into therapists’ offices? After all, why shouldn’t they be treated as coddled children? Mayor Bill believes he and other “progressive leaders” should be the only ones with personal power. They are the real adults, right?
It’s time for the all-thinking mayor to take this a step further, don’t you think? Individuals don’t really know how to use their own money, true? It’s time to disarm the citizenry because Americans don’t need to be able to defend themselves and decide when it is necessary; Mayor Bill and his ilk can handle that.
Why can’t they reverse the unfair election of Donald Trump? Hell, with their guidance, Americans who mistakenly voted differently than they did must not have known what they were doing? Come into the light of true reason and be embraced by Mayor Bill. You will be loved, taxed, disarmed and sent on your way.
Erase any nasty thoughts you may have that this is a strategic effort to erode individual well-being, individual thought, individual action and individual potential. How can anyone actually think that and be sure to get the names of those that do.
Many of ill thought may be of the thinking Mayor Bill should be banished, along with the diminishing multitudes of like-minded thinkers. Through their very public statements, they are being challenged by a revolt in this country led by their arch enemy Donald Trump.
The revolt is led by free-thinking Americans who have seen enough of the politically correct. Free-thinking Americans have also seen enough of those who vow to leave the country because they didn’t win and they’ve heard the sniveling whimpers of a fading party that is becoming more regionized into sectors where Mayor Bills exist. Thankfully, free-thinking Americans live throughout the country, where sanity still rules.