The Democratic bench of presidential hopefuls indicates an obvious question; where is it? Are things so depleted that former Vice President Joe Biden is gearing up a presidential run for 2020? That has to be wrong, right?
Nope, Biden is returning to New Hampshire to honor the nation’s first all-female, all-Democratic congressional delegation. His hibernation and deep regret not going for the prize in 2016 didn’t last long. Biden is itching to get back into the limelight, as if he was there for eight years while Barack Obama said, “Joe who?”
Like all the rest of the contenders for the presidency in 2020, they say they have no ambition for the job in 2017. Okay, we’ll bite Joe. But last Sunday night you spoke at the state Democratic Party’s annual McIntyre Shaheen 100 Club Dinner.
You also surrounded yourself with U.S. Sens. Jeanne Shaheen and Maggie Hassan, and U.S. Reps. Annie Kuster and Carol Shea-Porter. Are they part of the group who envison the nightmare of far left Elizabeth Warren getting the nomination and relegating the Democratic Party to the Ice Age?
No, Joe was just bored and thought he would see if anyone remembers a vice president in total obscurity for eight years. But wait, Joe has lined up speeches to the Florida Democratic Party investment leaders at SkyBridge Alternatives Conference in Las Vegas in May, and commencement addresses at Harvard University, Colby College and Morgan State University.

Isn’t that what people do to start raising the zillions of bucks it takes to be president? Get those back-slapping chores done early. Better write a book too because Liz Warren already has a best-seller out there for her gang of wing nuts.
Oh, and there is this: According to Politico’s Edward-Isaac Dovere, Biden and his staff have privately started talking “about how to begin planning a strategy with a roughly 18-month timeline so that if he decides on another presidential run, he’ll be best positioned to get it off the ground.”
That gives Joe some time to dream up what he has accomplished in a lifetime running for public office. Wait another minute, what has Joe done? That’s right, he was a senator from the major state of Delaware and attended state funerals and shopping center openings as VP.
But Joe’s unnamed advisor told Politico, “He doesn’t sit still well. He wants to have a voice. The more stuff he does like this, the more people hear his voice.”
They do?
Naturally Joe has told some people, “I’m not planning on it, but I’m not going to tell anyone I’m not doing it” – and to others, “If I’m walking, I’m running.”
He is a real man of mystery. Really building up the suspense with an anxious nation, huh Joe?
New Hampshire Democratic chair Ray Buckley says Joe has “certainly earned the respect and consideration of folks, and he has a network of folks that have been with him for decades. He would start off with a reservoir of goodwill if he chooses to run,” he told Politico.
That means one of two things. Joe has the dirt on a lot of people after eight years handing at the White House and doing lunch with FBI agents, or those people “anxious” for old Joe to run can’t think of one name politician in the entire party bigger to ward off impending disaster from George McGovern, er … Elizabeth Warren.