You ask me to give up life…
you ask me to give up happiness…
you ask me to give up freedom – of thought, of choice…
by conforming to other’s expectations – be it society, friends, family or religion…
You ask me to not to think…but follow…
You ask me not to Question…but follow…
You ask that I should obey…
I will not obey anymore…the chains are broken…
I have a higher calling to listen to…
that respects me…
The Self speaks and I listen…
It leads to living, happiness and to freedom…
No conflict, no confusion…
Simple – Simplicity…
Total Harmony…
Simply Love…
The Tao Is In Sync…
Or maybe “I” am…
This short poem is written as a defense against the pressure to conform to society and environment we live in today and a rebellion against such pressure.