Giving Up on Life: A Rebellion Against Pressure

You ask me to give up life…

you ask me to give up happiness…

you ask me to give up freedom – of thought, of choice…

by conforming to other’s expectations – be it society, friends, family or religion…

You ask me to not to think…but follow…

You ask me not to Question…but follow…

You ask that I should obey…

I will not obey anymore…the chains are broken…

I have a higher calling to listen to…

that respects me…

The Self speaks and I listen…

It leads to living, happiness and to freedom…

No conflict, no confusion…

Simple – Simplicity…

Total Harmony…

Simply Love…

The Tao Is In Sync…

Or maybe “I” am…

This short poem is written as a defense against the pressure to conform to society and environment we live in today and a rebellion against such pressure.

Raj Sukheja
I have been an Independent Thinker, Philanthropist, Entrepreneur, Author & a Philosopher. I primarily write on Self Development, Spirituality & Business. With over 2 short books published and over 1000 posts, articles and quotes since the past 10 years. I try to write on complex subjects in simple words so that everyone can interpret and understand the nuances of life and business.I have been working since an early age and now have over 3 decades of experience with business and over 5 decades with life :) and have been through it all. Sometimes, my lifetime experiences make me feel 400 years old or older.I hope to share my experiences with readers so that they can improve their lives both personal and at work through my experiences.Light, Love, Regards and Blessings To All.Raj SukhejaAlso known as UltaGuru in Spiritual Forums where I write.May The Force Bless Us All.