The Osain Healing Retreat
September 24-25, 2016 in Central Florida, U.S.
In today’s hustle and bustle world, many feel that they need a healing experience from the daily stress, drama, and problems that life can throw ones way.
The world famous gardens of Ola Olu in Florida, opens their doors this fall to a very special retreat, allowing attendees to connect with the ancient African energy matrix known of as Osain. A truly amazing experience will unfold for all who attend.
The founders of Ola Olu have created a very unique opportunity for a small group of people to step inside the gates of the sacred grounds of Ola Olu, into a journey with the plant-world, nature, the spirit, and all that connects us.
Infusing the interconnectedness of the Sacred Orisha Gardens with one’s core self, A sacred journey will be created for each person.
All inclusive, each person will live inside the retreat for 2 nights and 3 days, sleeping inside the Inu house built into the tree tops overlooking the private forest preserve.
Delicious organic meals will be prepared for all guests, during this mind blowing, cosmic weekend.
Some of the many ritual designs that will be a part of attendees life-shifting healing weekend journey will include:
- Chanting with the plants … opening up the senses … freeing the self.
- Going deeper into different dimensions with special vision quest ceremonies.
- Being a part of working with the elders to create 7 Orisha herbal potions.
- Experiencing a unique 7 chakra portal opening series of rituals, using these potions. Clearing blockages, and expanding and healing all that is present!
- Becoming connected ones true core being during the sacred labyrinth walk of the 256 Odu.
- Ending fears through several unique sacred garden rituals.
- Igniting the inner ?re, with sacred herbal ?re rituals.
- Becoming more attuned, more focused and ready for movement forward with several rituals designed for creating this intention.
- Included will be a ritual for expanding ways you can be communicating with your Guardian Ancestor through the plant kingdom.
Each person will be a part of creating several spiritual teaching tools with Nana Buuken Priest Iyanifa Vassa, and a select team of elders assisting with their deep connections with Osain. All special guest attendees will be taught how to use these tools and continue growing the seeds we plant.
Deep and unique, quiet and nurturing, guets will be living inside the sacred gardens the whole time, with access to alone time in each Orisha vortex. All meals are included; organic and delicious!
Each person shall return home energized, focused, and with a strategy of what to use for continuing the journey using higher vibrational level connections … and of course with several new spiritual tools!
$599 … food and lodging inside retreat house included.
Contact Iyanifa Vassa to register and learn more.
[email protected]
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