Over the past few months, the massive mound of dirt, topped with plastic, prompted more than a few people to ask questions. Questions range from why is it there, what will it be used for, why don’t they take it away, is it a conspiracy, will it always be there.
The project, off Reading Street between Leidesdorff Street and Sutter Street, is a parking garage in the Folsom Historic District, and is well under way. This area, known locally as the “Railroad Block” is now formally called “Historic Folsom Station.”
When I called the City last week to ask about the mysterious mound, I spoke to Dave Nugen from the Public Works Department.
We talked about the Parking Structure Project. The scheduled completion date is January 2007 and according to Dave, the project is running on schedule.
Historic Folsom Station Contruction AreaThe presence of tunnels and subsidence in the area was known before the project started and although they found some voids, there was nothing unexpected.
The Supports for the structure go down 75 to 90 feet, into bedrock, so it is solid.
So back to the dirt – why is it there and what will happen to it? It all came from the excavation and once the walls are completed in the next few weeks, the material is to be used to backfill around the walls. Any left over material could go to landfill or possibly to any local place that needs it.
So we should start to see that mound decrease in size very soon and then disappear altogether. Mystery Solved.
More Parking Structure information on the City Website.