November 10, 1775 is the birthday of one of the greatest military organizations of American history, The United States Marine Corps. Semper Fidelis, Once a Marine always a Marine, The few the proud the Marines, are the slogans of Marines but they are not just slogans. These are indeed truisms’ of the Marine Corps and the men and women who become Marines.
The legacy of the Marine Corps is in its 236 year history. From the Halls of Montezuma to the Shores of Tripoli, and in many countries, the Marines have fought to protect freedom, liberate the captive, find the enemies of America, bring them to judgment by a higher court, a peace time ready force, guards of national interests and other assignments they are called upon to perform. They are a ready force to be called upon when circumstances cause orders to come from command.
Their service began in the revolutionary War, the battle of Derna in 1813, duty in the civil war on ships and at Bunker Hill, and as needed until WW I in France. The battles of World WW II the Marines fought in the Pacific theatre were fierce and costly, in thousands of lives of both the Corps and the Japanese. Iwo Jima, Guam, Wake Island, Peleliu, Okinawa, Midway, Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands, Tarawa, Saipan, the Philippines, and the list goes on. The Marines have taken the load in many battles after WWII; Korea where they fought fierce battles and never retreated. When they were surrounded in Korea, they just fought their way out according to Lt. Gen Chesty Puller.

The Marine Corps is not for everyone who wants to join a military force. It is difficult and demanding both physically and mentally to live a Marines life on active duty. I’m not sure what the present boot camps are doing now, but it was at one time very tough and difficult training. Maybe the Corps has become more civilized since 56 years ago. It was a very challenging time to go to MCRD San Diego California or Parris Island South Carolina to go through basic training. I can only imagine what it was like before I went through it as a skin headed Boot.
The Marine Museum in Virginia has the spirit of the Marine Corps and the honor of the Marines from the Privates to the Commandants of the Corps through the years. This Museum is like entering the halls of a cathedral full of spirit and reverence of those who have fought and those who died for the sake of freedom. Take a trip and go see this marvelous edifice, the reverence, the history, of the loyal fighting force, “THE UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS.”
No one can harm the man who harms not himself.