The Perks of Working in Entertainment Industry and Media

Ever wanted to know the perks of working in the entertainment industry and media.

I myself is a public relations specialist who also works in the entertainment industry. I just love, love and absolutely love it for the simple fact. You get invited to many exclusive events which is so fun and live quite an exciting lifestyle.

However, I was recently invited to an all exclusive vacation to go to Wood bridge, Virginia and being that I’m a publicist and writer, those were just one of the perks whereas I had a blast. I was able to also write about my experiences of the vacation.

Now, being in the entertainment industry, you get to meet a lot of celebrities as well as all of those up and coming entertainers. And when you party, you get to step inside the VIP section where you can drink all of the champagne that you want as most folks would say; “popping bottles” cause to them. The VIP section is strictly bottle popping time at all times.

I can honestly say that working in the entertainment industry as a PR agent has surely done me very well whereas I’ve gained that popularity and great media credibility whereas I love what I do and what my title stands for.