Karate for Kids: 5 Benefits of Martial Arts for Kids


It’s about more than punching and kicking.

Beyond offense and defense, martial arts teaches children many lessons integral to a growing person’s well-being.

Are you or your child considering attending a dojo or an academy? If so, this article’s for you.

Here, we’ll explore the benefits of martial arts. You’ll learn everything your child will gain from such a class so that you know exactly if it’s the right fit.

1. Attention

In 2016, approximately 1 in every 10 children 17 years old and below had ADHD. With the constant access to technology, it’s more difficult than ever for children to learn how to concentrate for long periods of time.

Martial arts increase students’ attention spans.

Studies support this notion and show improvements in children as well as adults. The rigorous structure and required attention force students to listen, watch closely and demonstrate what they’ve learned in order to advance.

2. Self-Confidence

Childhood years are full of personal angst. Anyone who’s passed their teenage years has stories of shaken self-confidence, and martial arts protects against these episodes.

Martial arts provide a healthy outlet for stress and they increase body image. As a result, children have more self-confidence.

In addition, youngsters know how to defend themselves and act under pressure, making them confident in the real world.

3. Goals

Kickboxing and fitness for kids and adults also show the value of goals.

Most classes work on a belt-based system. As students progress, they earn a “higher” belt.

Consequently, children see their hard work and diligence pay off the further they progress in the class. This lesson translates into the real world, where hard work is rewarded.

4. Structure and Discipline

Young children and teenagers alike benefit from the rigorous expectations and structure in martial arts.

Masters have specific expectations regarding behavior, techniques, and attitude. The structure aids students in practicing active listening and discipline.

Students are taught when and how to use their knowledge. Likewise, they learn that increased prowess is a consequence of the rigorous training and expectations put upon them.

The result is that children learn self-discipline.

5. Emotional Well-Being

For the past half century, depression and anxiety among youngsters have continued to rise.

Experts believe part of the reason for the increase is due to:

  1. The inability to control one’s fate
  2. A lack of intrinsic goals
  3. A decline in play

Martial arts alleviate depression and anxiety by addressing all three of these points.

Students find confidence by having control over their learning and progress. They learn that goal-setting is less about belts and more about the satisfaction that comes from learning techniques and continual practice.

Finally, they exercise to release pent-up energy, much like children engaging in play. Countless studies show a clear link between exercise and positive attitudes.

Learn for Yourself the Benefits of Martial Arts

The benefits of martial arts for children and adults extend far beyond the physical instruction. Martial arts share life lessons children utilize in the real world.

But don’t take our word for it.

As martial arts master AlCase says, “Beating people up is easy, learning to control the self, to manifest oneself spiritually, that is difficult.”

Hear all about it from Case in this article.

Melissa Thompson
Melissa Thompson
Melissa Thompson writes about a wide range of topics, revealing interesting things we didn't know before. She is a freelance USA Today producer, and a Technorati contributor.

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