If early detection and treatment key of disease is standard operating practice for modern healthcare, and WHO reiterated that, why were neither early detection nor early treatment being used against COVID-19, especially in the early stages?
Dr. Richard Bartlett says this coronavirus is the only disease that isn’t being tackled by using the time-tested control method of early detection and early treatment.
Dr Bartlett treated his own patients with an inhaled cortico-steroid, using a nebulizer, in early treatment, with great success. He isn’t the only doctor doing this. One of many others, Dr. Ralph Abraham, a medical doctor and Louisiana congressman has helped hundreds of his patients too.
“Early treatment is the key,” Dr. Bartlett says. “Heart disease, stroke, cancer, infections – early treatment is vital.”
An ICU in a city south of San Antonio saw Dr Bartlett’s interview on “America Can We Talk,” with Debbie Georgatos, and used Dr. Bartlett’s strategy. Their use of this protocol allowed them to help their patients. This quickly freed up the ICU and saved most of their patients being transferred to a larger hospital.
[Editor’s Note] We are working on a followup story with the hospital.
“There is a place for evidence-based medicine, looking at outcomes,” Dr. Bartlett said.
“[There] is evidence that as long as someone is breathing, there is hope.”
The World Health Organization declared this was a deadly coronavirus that would kill millions of people. According to official reports, it has not been as deadly as they suggested – and that is a good thing.
On 3 February 2020, the World Health Organization issued its 2019-nCoV Strategic Preparedness and Response Plan.
The six strategic objectives of the WHO plan were to:
- Limit human-to-human transmission, including reducing secondary infections among close contacts and healthcare workers, preventing transmission amplification events, and preventing further international spread from China;
- Identify, isolate, and care for patients early, including providing optimized care for infected patients;
- Identify and reduce transmission from the animal source;
- Address crucial unknowns regarding clinical severity, extent of transmission and infection, treatment options, and accelerate the development of diagnostics, therapeutics, and vaccines;
- Communicate critical risk and event information to all communities, and counter misinformation;
- Minimize social and economic impact through multisectoral partnerships
Note the second strategic objective to “Identify, isolate, and care for patients early, including providing optimized care for infected patients.”
On 12 March 2020, WHO declared COVID-19 a pandemic, but the plan for handling it was still to avoid the virus.
To avoid COVID-19, many nations and states closed their borders and most mandated a bewildering array of measures many of which appeared illogical.
Some states destroyed businesses by mandating lockdowns that clearly are only a delaying tactic.
Johns Hopkins Medicine website says “What makes a screening test valuable is its ability to detect potential problems, while minimizing unclear, ambiguous, or confusing results. While screening tests are not 100% accurate in all cases, it is generally more valuable to have the screening tests at the appropriate times, as recommended by your healthcare provider, than to not have them at all.”
There are early detection tests for cholesterol, a fecal occult blood test is used to detect colorectal cancer. Women have Pap smears to indicate the early presence of cervical cancer and mammogram screening for breast cancer. Colonoscopy screens for colon cancer or colon polyps, and there are diabetes or prediabetes screenings.
Initially, it wasn’t easy to detect COVID-19, and even now, there appear to be many false positives, especially in some jurisdictions. But as time has gone on, it seems that test kits are becoming more accurate and the time needed to make a positive detection has shortened.
Many testing labs in Florida report 100% positive tests on samples. That is statistically impossible.
Increased testing handles the early detection part of the puzzle. The US is now testing more people every day than any other country in the world.
But what about early treatment? After any of the other health screenings mentioned above, a doctor or specialist can advise their patient on a course of action for the detected problem. Early detection and early treatment saves lives.
Why is COVID-19 different?
The chosen course of action in most of the world appears to be to tell people with mild symptoms to go home because they are “not sick enough.” Most of the people who have died because of this coronavirus have been old or had underlying serious medical conditions. We are told that many people who have survived the virus have damaged organs.
Would there have been less organ-damaged people if they had early treatment? Would there have been less deaths?
There is no way to tell everything, looking back in the rear-view mirror, even though Monday morning quarterbacks would not agree.
What is clear – is that the process of handling COVID-19 is the complete opposite of early detection and early treatment.
Medicine is not an exact science. Many things remain unknown, even though huge advances have been made in the past 100 years.
One thing that clearly works, is early detection and early treatment. Doctors around the world must change to using this time-tested strategy for COVID-19.
See COVID-19 No Vaccine Needed, There Is Already A Cure, our story that had been shared more than a million times in the past 3 weeks.
[Editor’s Note] We are working on a followup story with the hospital mentioned above, to learn about what they think about how Dr. Bartlett’s protocol works.
Debbie Georgatos, radio host at AmericaCanWeTalk.org talks to Congressman Ralph Abraham and Dr. Richard Bartlett.