Will Says… Lame Ducks are Outnumbered and Hunters Have Better Ammo

Well, we are only a handful of days into this lame duck session and in this game there are two sides. The lame ducks who are standing still in the water and the hunters with the ammo and the guns. Now, this season the hunters have the advantage, because the ducks are outnumbered and the hunters have better ammo. Last night, they just reloaded when the ducks left a stockpile of ammo they RANGEL’D in 2008, so they are ready for battle.

Now my advice, lame ducks, is to stop acting like lame ducks and more… like rubber ducks. This way you are always floating, things bounce off you and everyone loves a rubber ducky.

I will also warn you that these hunters are very clever this time around. They have taken on many different looks. They have looked like colonial folk, and now they are most likely going to strap on a chicken suit and stand to you toe to toe. So, if they do suit up, you get a RUBBER chicken suit! Fight back!


Lame ducks, this is like a movie plot, you have all the odds against you, so you need to use the little engine that could be inside you. This is the 11th hour and you need to make this final field goal BEFORE they retire some of your team. The ball is in your court; you just need to start dribbling… If you don’t, you might as well keep your chicken suit on, ’cause that will be your party’s new mascot!

Innocents in Washington DC means you have not been caught yet! @WillRobertsUSA

Your friend,

Folks, please try to leave a comment, good or bad, at least were talking, and that is what missing in our world today! – Will

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