Will Says … It’s Labor Day, or the start of the football Season, whichever is more important to you. (Click Here to Listen to Audio)
The other day I asked a few folks in the show I am in here in Vegas, “Do you know why we celebrate Labor Day?” – Most did not, and few had answers like: The day I get overtime, Monday, and the Jerry Lewis Telethon. The reality is that it was created back in the late 1800’s as a day of rest for the American worker, based upon a holiday created by Pres. Grover Cleveland. Look up Pullman Box cars and see the whole story and the start of the Labor movement.
For the most part, as they say, History repeats itself and ironically this whole holiday was created because the country was in economic turmoil, the big boys (Corporations) lost money and folks lost jobs. 100 + years later, not much has changed.

We are still looking for jobs and the big boys are looking for their money, mainly in our pockets. Since its start, we now have other reasons to celebrate Labor Day, like kicking off the football season, the end of summer, and at least when I was a kid; parents got a break because us kids went back to school. Now most schools go year round, and I don’t know who to thank for that.
Besides, I can tell you that about 9.6% of unemployed workers here in the US would prefer to skip the day off and get back to work. It is hard to celebrate a day that your government gives you, when they are giving you the reason you can’t afford the hamburgers and hot dog to celebrate the day off that you don’t want right now.
This is why it is so important to study our history and other countries history. This way we won’t be surprised by actions and reactions of other people. It allows us to have a “one up” on folks that don’t study history. We learn the beginning, middle, and end of all the possible stories and thus we CAN for see into the future, our future. Nothing is different, just served up to us in a shinier package, or sexier presentation. If you don’t believe me… STUDY POLITICIANS, THE KINGS OF HASHED AND RE-HASHED!
Below is a link to more information on the American Holiday: IF you have time to read it on this day of rest.
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