Cordial people to people level relations between Nepal and India has existed since ancient times. We have to keep friendly relations with India due to our similar cultural and religious traditions.
The permanent institution- ‘Nepalese monarchy’ can put unite the national instigation as it remained since ancient time. Monarchy is still a popular institution. Nepalese monarchy is the most convincing identity of Nepal’s independence and its sovereignty. But sadly Indian congress, ever since coming to power has been striving to destabilize Nepal. India, through its intelligence agency ‘RAW’, has been found continuously involved in destabilizing our national identities- royal institution, Hindu Kingdom and national language, which were developed along with the ideology of national unity, security and national identity.
According to the >news online< and Weekly Nepalese newspaper 'Charcha' 6Aug.2012, there had organized a secret Seminar in Lucknow's headquarter Indian Army. In that seminar there were Army General including former General, ambassador of India in Nepal Jayanta Prasad and the anti-Nepal Prof. SD Muni and some former ambassadors except the nonsense Syamsaran the former Nepalese ambassador and former Secretor of Indian Govt.The meeting was focused about the cause of instability of Nepal. They participants were anxious about the cause of increasing anti-India feeling in Nepal. The Army Generals felt that the Nepalese instability directly can thread the Indian security. The republic is totally responsible for all problems. So the seminar stretched and asserted that the monarchy is as a balancing force between Nepal and India.The meeting addressed that republican system is the main cause of crisis. Due to the mistakes of some Indian diplomats and intellectuals (like S.D Muni and Shyamsaran), the condition became worst. Nepalese people know the secularism and republic had declared forcefully from India. So, the seminar felt due to the unnecessary Indian intervention Nepalese people became anti-Indian.Secularism and republic had declared forcefully from Indian side. When republic declared in Nepal, the security point of India became week. And then they suggested reinstating the Nepalese Monarchy. Nepalese monarchy has been playing a balanced role in between the two big neighbors China & India. It is not the concerning subject for Indian Army about the internal affairs of Nepal, although, the realization from Indian Army can be accepted for the sake of Nepalese sovereignty.In fact, the nonsense Indian diplomats such as Shyam Sharan, K.V. Rajan, Rakesh Sood had adding fuel to the fire when Nepal is already tumbling down the slope of retrogression. Due to this, India is being criticized from all sectors. India is desirous of manipulating Nepal. With the increasing India's what we may call a 'naked intervention' China has made its intention clear by emphasizing on its presence in Nepal. China is convinced that its security is protected if Nepal retains the royal institution.As the royal institution was abolished in 2006, China is now showing direct concern. India has put forward the destructive person as Baburam Bhattarai so that Nepal would turn to a failed state and India could capture it. But, India is falling into crisis as a result of its desire to use Maoists to capture Nepal.The technocrat Dr. Baburam Bhattarai is a nonsensical person. After the 12-point understanding, and after becoming PM under the aegis of Indian intelligence agency, Baburam Bhattarai is more active that ever in destroying the nation's dignity and identity. Baburam Bhattarai is a Brahmin who has shed all his sense of national dignity. Foreign powers want to use such misguided Brahmins to carry out its work. Under this scheme the foreign powers are searching for such misguided Brahmins to haul them to leadership and fuel the process of retrogression.The clear example is Baburam Bhattarai. Shakun Sherchand writes ' The Doctor Who Threw the Baby with the Bath Water' 'Baburam Bhatarai will be remembered the episode as the Dr. who threw the baby with the bath water on the midnight of May 27th 2012, irrespective of what follows. The constitution drafting was nipped and the CA was dissolved.The foreign powers are convinced that if they are able to persuade among the traitors- Brahmins, who have lost their sense of national prestige like Girija, Madhav Nepal, Prachanda, Baburam Bhattarai, then people of other castes would follow suit. So the Brahmins are hauled to leadership positions to expedite the retrogression process. Newar, Tamang, Dhimal, Sherpa, Gurung, Magar, Limbu, Rai and indigenous people of Terai as Tharu, Rajbanshi, Dunuwar, Jha, Yadav, Kurmi and Muslim people are not easily allured by money attractions. As foreign agencies understood this they turned to the leadership level and Brahmins close to this level.Veteran advocate and Nepali Congress' active leader, Devendra Nepali, writes on this issue, 'Foreign powers are investing their full energy to fulfill their selfish interests in Nepal. The republic setup is not in the interest of this country, instead it is fatal. The republic setup, secularism, federalism is unconstitutional and illegal and imposed without any discussion with the people. This is destructive and extremist concept.' Had it been in any other nation, such traitors would have had been hanged. The Constituent Assembly is expired. And the President, PMship including Interim Constitution is finished. They have no right to talk like previously.So, all these so-called leaders- the brokers of RAW and CIA, EU that ruled after 2006 and those nonsense civil society and human rights organizations are punishable elements. In this way Nepalese around the world are calling for re-establishment of the royal institution for existence of our identity and dignity. So we will honorably fight against such anti national injustice.All the organs of the state will unite, and in accordance with the 1990 Constitution and in presence of the King, we will strengthen this Hindu Kingdom. It is the duty of all Nepalese, whether in political parties or outside, and even the nationalists in the Maoists' party to save this nation.