Not So Affordable Care Act Remains Unpopular

Barack Obama, in his first term as president, succeeded where so many had found failure. He became the first president to pass a reformative plan for national health care. The Affordable Care Act also confronted the practices of insurance companies. Those insurance companies have historically disqualified from quality medical coverage millions of Americans. Many Americans have pre-existing health conditions or a predisposition to them.

The Affordable Care Act was signed in 2010, when the country was still staggering to its feet from a recession that had consumed the previous 18 months. It had left some 6 percent of the job force unemployed and, essentially, uninsured.

It is now year six of the Affordable Care Act which President Barack Obama signed into law. That six-year record demonstrates that the legislative product he signed into law is deeply flawed. These flaws include increased costs for individuals, families, and businesses. Another major flaw is the resumption of excessive health care spending and middle-class taxation. Another is the seemingly endless series of managerial failures or unanticipated consequences.

The ACA is a formidable engine of concentrated bureaucratic power and control, yet its future is clouded by persistent unpopularity.

The Affordable Care Act: Assimilation Is Imminent

Affordable Care Act - Hill Communications Canada © Michael Pohrer 4-25-2016

Michael Pohrer
Michael Pohrer; Internationally Syndicated Missouri Animator / Cartoonist / Illustrator. Currently Newsblaze's Featured Editorial Cartoonist, Editorial Cartoonist for The Global Free Press. Creator of FIDDLESTIX©, Welcome To The Jungle© and the new feature cartoon strip A Minute With Captain Obvious©. Spilling ink on drawing boards since 1979. Delivering daily funnies to the masses through the printed pages since 1988. Currently a member of SCCS Southern California Cartoonists Society - San Diego Chapter of The National Cartoonists Society, CAPS, Comic Art Professional Society, I.C.C. International Cartoonist Conspiracy, and The St. Louis Gateway Arts.The various animations / digital graphics / and cartoons produced at PC Studios can be seen throughout various media sources internationally such as The Global Free Press (Kingston, Ontario Canada), The Nashville Free Press (U.S.A.), Newsblaze Publications (U.S.A.), and Newropeans Magazine (Paris, France).Broadcast across network television through the MeTV Network, NBC Sports and NBC, available through Google News, included in "Best Editorial" compilations, Comic Books (U.K. and Britain) as well as anthologies, newspapers, magazines and exhibits in Galleries / Museums.For more cartoons you can check out Michael's TOONED IN© Blog or email him directly at fantasticgraphics @ gmail dot comConnect with Michael Pohrer on Google Plus.