Tag: military

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Egyptian People are Sick and Tired of Mubarak

The media wants to tell you that this is an Islamic movement lead by the Muslim BrotherHood. But from the people whom I have had the pleasure to talk, they tell me that these people are that they are sick and tired of Mubarak. They want him overthr

‘Camp Lejeune – A Hearing’

A personal reflection on the Congressional Hearing of 16th September regarding contamination at Camp Lejeune.

PHOTOS: Stressful Day on the Firing Range

The 'Stress Fire' lane provides the servicemembers with the chance to fire their weapons after tactically sprinting 500 meters, leaving them with an elevated heart rate and out of breath as they fire on their targets, preparing them for deployment

Discussions in Iraq to make ‘Main Supply Route Tampa’ Safer

''It is important that as we retrograde and draw vehicles responsibly out of Iraq we have the full support of our Iraqi partners as they not only set up check points along the road.'

When a Military Dictator Visits Democratic India

From the United Nations to Amnesty International and America to several other democratic and progressive nations, every one has raised voices for a free, fair and comprehensive election in the poverty stricken country.


We Must Finally Say Farewell To The UN

The United Nations Organization (UN) headquarters building stands tall...

The Red Cross AWOL On Israel

The Red Cross AWOL On Israel AWOL means, 'Absent Without...

“Palestinians”: The West Bought What The Arabs Sold

The West bought all the Arab fakeness, to its core, especially the "Palestinians" subterfuge.

FDA Drug Reviewer Alerts New Administration to Agency Misconduct and Prescription Drug Dangers

Former FDA drug reviewer Ron Kavanagh, BS Pharm, PharmD,...

