David Bedworth
‘Camp Lejeune – A Hearing’
A personal reflection on the Congressional Hearing of 16th September regarding contamination at Camp Lejeune.
A Personal Perspective on a Journey Along The English Midlands Canal...
For a brief moment, through a gap in the trees of the Forest of Arden, I caught a glimpse of Bredon Hill. It was the home of my boyhood and forty-five years peeled back to a time when I once ran to the top of the hill to see the land of Seven Kingdo
A Camp Lejeune Update
An overview of ongoing events with the contamination situation at Camp Lejeune.
When a Beatle Should Keep His Mouth Shut . . .
An observation on the conduct of Sir Paul McCartney when receiving an award at the White House.
Do You Have An Invisible Disability?
A personal perspective on life with an Invisible Disability and the way in which that disability is perceived by society.
A Camp Lejeune Tragedy
The story of Mary, a family member of a Marine who has suffered illness as a result of exposure to contamination at Camp Lejeune.
Willful Negligence At Camp Lejeune?
Recent discovery of files and documents by scientists investigating contamination at Camp Lejeune reveal levels and types of contamination far higher than reported.
A Mission to Find Christopher
An account of a brave Nurse and her companion and their efforts to locate a missing 3-month old Haitian baby in the medical chaos of the Haitian earthquake disaster
Caring for Camp Lejeune Veterans Act of 2009 – An Update
The Caring for Camp Lejeune Veterans Act of 2009 is voted down in the Senate Committee on Veterans Affairs. After years of work to obtain legislation in support of veterans and family members made ill by contamination at Camp Lejeune the final hurd
An Artist, An Island
A personal perspective on the fascinating Kangaroo Island located off the coast of South Australia