Tag: Federal Reserve

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9 Reasons To Pay More Federal Taxes

Paying taxes by the private sector is a shame when so many are living off Federal dollars without paying their income taxes.

Income Tax Never Ratified, So Why Pay?

There have been various cases within the Supreme Court defining both income as well as labor, these definitions, and the case names, can help you avoid audits, foreclosures, and most of all, the IRS.

When (not IF) the Dollar is ‘Officially’ Devalued

California voter's refusal to pay their own way may be the final nail in the coffin that houses the U.S. dollar. With debts gigantic and mounting. Politicians refusing to raise taxes. Can devaluation be far away?

Ron Paul Seeks Audit of Federal Reserve

Congressman Ron Paul (R-TX) has introduced a bill, H.R. 1207: Federal Reserve Transparency Act of 2009, in an effort to learn just what the U.S. Federal Reserve has done with trillions of dollars of tax payer money.

The Financial Crisis and the Federal Reserve

Ever since the Depression, the federal government has involved itself deeply in the national housing market by developing numerous special housing programs to encourage home ownership.


We Must Finally Say Farewell To The UN

The United Nations Organization (UN) headquarters building stands tall...

The Red Cross AWOL On Israel

The Red Cross AWOL On Israel AWOL means, 'Absent Without...

“Palestinians”: The West Bought What The Arabs Sold

The West bought all the Arab fakeness, to its core, especially the "Palestinians" subterfuge.

FDA Drug Reviewer Alerts New Administration to Agency Misconduct and Prescription Drug Dangers

Former FDA drug reviewer Ron Kavanagh, BS Pharm, PharmD,...

