What better way to prepare an audience for that shrew Kate than by a short musical interlude. Vanessa Schneider created a short musical production by some of the cast, with Patty Fay choreographing.
The cover of the program for The Taming of The Shrew shows it all as the lovely shrew, Katharina (Victoria Mature), clobbers Petruchio (Pete Shaner). The Coronado Playhouse production of William Shakespeare’s classic, adapted and directed by Keith A. Anderson, is one of the most physical I’ve seen. I do hope the pratfalls and physicality do not leave any lasting bruises on the cast members.
Mature can give a look to Katharina’s potential suitors, should I say controllers, that conquers all but Petrucio. Katharina’s lovely younger sister Bianca (Jessica Seaman) cannot marry any of her suitors, Lucentio (Terence J. Burke) or Hortensio (James Steinberg) or Gremio (Marty Greenberg), until her shrewish sister is wed. Her father, Baptista (Eric Hedberg) is at a loss, then suitor Petruchio comes along to conquer the shrewish ways of Katharina, albeit for a price.
Duplicity rules in this classic comedy as masters parade as servants and servants take on the guise of masters such as Tranio (Dave Rivas) and Grumio (Jon Maxwell). Adding to the potential confusion are the fine old gentleman named Vincentio (Nick Reeves) and Pedant (Brian Terry), an old fellow who is set up to impersonate Vincentio. There are a couple of other servants played by Amanda Everett, Patty Fay, and Bea Gonzalez. Rounding out the cast are Mary Volpe-Dawson and Calandra Crane as Frances and the Seamstress.
The production is a very good interpretation of the classic. It is fast-paced. All of the characterizations are well done. The face-off between Petruchio and Katharina is classic. Rosemary King’s set works well serving as both interior and exteriors of the many locations in Padua and Verona. A nice touch is the working water fountain.
Coronado Playhouse’s production of The Taming of The Shrew is well cast, well directed, and a pleasure to watch. Always be watchful that the shrew does not come down to the audience; it could be dangerous. The production is at Coronado Playhouse, 1835 Strand Way, Coronado, CA 92118. For reservations dial 619 435-48576 or go to their website at 222.coronadoplayhouse.com. The production palys Thursday thru Sunday, to September 28, 2008.