Timbaland Performance in Hollywood Brings Out The Stars


Fashion Model Kelly Kissel was out on the town in Hollywood last week, Wednesday, April 28th, and she wasn’t alone. The location was Drai’s, the rooftop club in the W Hotel, at Hollywood and Vine, and while hundreds of the young and desperate waited in the massively long line for hours to try get in to the notoriously difficult place for those without the right connection to get in, Kelly Kissel justly just marched right in.

She joined other celebs including Justin Timberlake, Ciara, Paris Hilton, Ray J., Brandy, and others. But the most entertaining, aside from Timbaland; the star of the night that the crowds and stars were here to see, was none other than Hollywood wild child Lindsay Lohan, The Hollywood Sentinel reports.

From ten till midnight, the hardcore dance crowd rocked their bodies on the dance floor to the pounding dance and hip hop music pulsing with heavy bass, while most others were sitting at their thousand dollar and up V.I.P. tables, or socializing outside by the swimming pool.

Kelly Timbaland
Image: Model Kelly Kissel strikes a pose before the Timbaland show in Hollywood, California. (c) 2010, Starpower Management LLC.

By midnight, when Timbaland went on, the club was packed body to body, with the young and the restless pushing their way through the crowds to try to get up closer to the DJ stand, where Timbaland was performing to Sexyback, The Way I are, Lovestoned, and other songs by the artist and his famous collaborators.

The club was full of the young, monied, and the beautiful. Club owner Drai himself was here this night, and celebrities galore. Paris Hilton wore a sexy tight black dress, looking great. Justin Timberlake wore a gray shirt with a vest, and beanie, looking handsome, and Ciara, looking nice and having a blast, wore some black leather pants with a sheer black long-sleeved top. Lindsey Lohan, who reportedly appeared to be getting some help being held up and walking, was wearing a black see-through dress with black underwear on.

Timbaland put on a very energetic performance in the club, with people gathered around singing, dancing, and shouting like mad. At about 3 am, model Kelly Kissel, Paris Hilton, and other stars went to an after party in a suite within the hotel, where Paris, Kelly, and others hung out on the balcony as this star studded night in Hollywood finally wound down.

Bruce Edwin
Bruce Edwinhttps://BruceEdwin.com
Bruce Edwin is CEO of Starpower Management; a full service celebrity model and talent management, publishing, public relations, and motion picture production company based in Los Angeles, California. www.StarpowerManagementLLC.com   www.BruceEdwin.com Telephone: (+1) 310-226-7176, StarpowerManagementLLC at gmail dot com. www.HollywoodSentinel.com (archives: www.TheHollywoodSentinel.com) This content is ©2009-2023, Bruce Edwin Productions, Hollywood Sentinel, all world rights reserved. Bruce Edwin, Hollywood Sentinel, and affiliates make no claims and assume no liability for any content herein, including, but not limited to inserts, photos, or hyperlinks.

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