Rose Casting has announced their success in playing an integral role developing talent for the current Theater Phenomenon, “America.”
To mark Independence Day, Dinesh D’Souza released the film version of his recent book America: Imagine a World without Her. It’s a powerful, controversial film which will keep your interest, provoke disputes, and bring you to tears.
The film addresses profound moral and historical questions that will send you from the theater straight to Amazon, where you’ll want to order half a dozen books to read more about the issues. How many films accomplish that nowadays?
Rose Casting has been casting prime talent for motion pictures for some time now. An actor/actress waiting for an audition stated, “This is an A+ casting company that shows its results every day.” The opportunities afforded to these people aren’t overflowing, but when one falls out into the sea, Rose Casting is quick to get it caught!
Talent with an interest in being a part of the Entertainment industry, or those who want to learn more about it, Rose Casting’s tour dates can be seen at or by telephone 813-389-0801. You can make plans to attend an Acting Workshop today hosted by Hollywood Casting Director Shannon Rose.
Shannon Rose, founder of Rose Casting, has over 20 years with of experience as a professional actor, public speaker and talent coach. He has casted commercial talent for companies like Home Shopping Network, Publix and Innisbrook Golf Resort and Brighthouse along with full length movie productions, like “America” directed by John Sullivan.