Arts Express: Mountain Girl Talks Magic Trip And What Really Killed Jerry Garcia


Arts Express: Magic Trip. Carolyn Garcia, alias Mountain Girl, takes the Arts Express down memory lane in a look back conversation about the documentary, Magic Trip. And that lost and found footage revisiting Ken Kesey’s LSD laced cross-continental road tripping with the Merry Band Of Pranksters in 1964.

Mountain Girl phones in from Seattle to likewise reminisce about her marriage to the late music icon, Jerry Garcia; growing up in a bland culture-free zone and the lengths literally, that some will go to up a tree, to tune into community radio; what it is about the Grateful Dead that their music endures across generations; and what really killed Jerry Garcia.

Dear Alice: Director Othman Karim, on the line from Sweden, delves into his very personal satirical feature, Dear Alice. The Ugandan born filmmaker explores how the plight of immigrants today is manifested in his movie, along with racial profiling and the feeling of not belonging ever; how do you prove that you’re not a terrorist; and death threats he’s received for making this movie. And how Danny Glover came to star as the despondent immigrant dad, Mister in Dear Alice, via a phone call as Karim was out trick or treating with his children.

Dear Alice is currently featured as part of the Eurocinema Scandinavian film series, currently airing on US and Canadian cable television. More information is online at:

Stay tuned for continuing features of Arts Express: Expression In The Arts. Airing On WBAI Radio’s Pacifica Network and Affiliate Stations, including WPRR, Public Reality Radio. And if you’d like to Express yourself too, you can write to:

Prairie Miller
Prairie Miller
Prairie Miller is a New York multimedia journalist online, in print and radio, who reviews movies and conducts in-depth interviews. She can also be heard on WBAI/Pacifica National Radio Network's Arts Express.

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