First It Was Bacon on NBC’s the Office, Now Its Jerky

The meat snack industry has developed leaps and bounds in recent years with the commercial introduction of many new varieties of jerky. While beef jerky remains to be consumed more than any other type, other types such as deer jerky and turkey jerky are popular alternatives to jerky enthusiasts. But recently, jerky technology has pumped new life into the meat snack world with unique jerky types such as: Ostrich Jerky, Pineapple Jerky, and even Bacon Jerky! The buzz the jerky industry has been receiving from new products such as these is being picked up on by the mainstream media.

The NBC show, The Office, frequently threads food references into their episodes. On a recent episode, character Dwight Schrute (played by Rainn Wilson) rejects brownies referring to them as “pastry cubes made of sugar and fat” and proclaiming that he will “stick to his jerky” as he chews off a mouthful of meat.

Throughout the five seasons of The Office, some characters have proclaimed their love for jerky, others have stated that they “like waking up to the smell of bacon,” and Dwight often refers to the family beet farm. Which ever the reference is, the passion that the writers and producers of The Office have for good food shows by the frequency that they weave food into their story lines.

A spokesperson at, told me that the selection and quality of the products that they offer are worthy of being served to other stars such as Rainn Wilson, B.J. Novak, or Steve Carell. They also appreciate and say thank you for the shout out by Dwight to the jerky industry!

Signing off at Pigging out!

Rocco “Boss Hog” Loosbrock

(NewsBlaze readers use coupon code Blaze to get 10% off your next bacon order)

Rocco owns and runs a Bacon of the Month Club called The Bacon Freak Bacon is Meat Candy Club as well as a Wine Club called the Coastal Vineyard Wine Club

Rocco Loosbrock
Rocco Loosbrock is a financial wizard who writes about food, wine and the world of gourmet bacon.Rocco owns and runs a Bacon of the Month Club called The Bacon Freak Bacon is Meat Candy Club as well as a Wine Club called the Coastal Vineyard Wine Club.After leaving the military, Rocco worked at a local bank while attending classes and earned his Bachelor’s degree in Management at Azusa Pacific University. Rocco loves to do woodworking, cooking, and growing fresh ingredients for his kitchen.