Enjoy a Chocolate Bacon Smoothie!

Bacon Freak has a really good friend who is an absolutely Bacon Freakin” Genius. His name is Rick Bakas and truth be told, he is our HERO! Why you ask? Well, partially because of what he accomplishes over at http://www.RickBakas.com but clearly more importantly, because Rick Bakas had the ingenuity to take the ultimate dream of every single person on this planet, a truly enjoyable “Chocolate Bacon Smoothie,” and made it become manifest reality!

Rick continued to experiment in his private kitchen laboratory, laboriously working out the kinks (small problems, not the “British Invasion” rock band), making all of the small, necessary “fine-tuned” tweaks needed, until he finally achieved the absolute perfection that we all could only DREAM of.

Bacon Smoothie 3

Remember that in ancient mythology, the party animal, “demigod Bacchus was deeply into his fruit & berries. Well Modern day genius “Bakas” loves his fruit and berries as well!

Rick is very happy to set the record straight on his invention, as he prepares our minds for the reality of the situation” “Before you have a gag reflex thinking about what the bacon smoothie might look like, take comfort knowing it’s still a fruit smoothie.”

Mr. Bakas continues by explaining the method behind the apparent madness: “The reason the recipe works is the chocolate. Chocolate and bacon go together, but there still needs to be fruit. Raspberries, blueberries and acai not only go with chocolate, but they’re also good for you.”

We tried it and we absolutely LOVED IT. I could start off every other day with this quick, simple, convenient breakfast substitute, full of protein, vitamins, minerals and absolute deliciousness! With this recipe you can taste the raspberry, chocolate and bacon all equally, as nothing stands out to overpower the smooth flavor blend!

Without further ado, here it is; the recipe for the “Chocolate Bacon Smoothie!”

Here’s Rick Explaining this little bit of heaven in his very own words:


1/2 cup yogurt

1 cup soy milk

1/4 cup acai

1/2 cup frozen raspberries and blueberries

1 TSP greens (dietary supplement)

2 strips of slow cooked, savory maple bacon

1-2 TBSP dark chocolate powder

1 TBSP Agave


Throw it all in a blender and blend it. That’s IT!


Signing off at Pigging out!

Rocco “Boss Hog” Loosbrock

(NewsBlaze readers use coupon code Blaze to get 10% off your next bacon order)

Rocco owns and runs a Bacon of the Month Club called The Bacon Freak Bacon is Meat Candy Club as well as a Wine Club called the Coastal Vineyard Wine Club

Rocco Loosbrock
Rocco Loosbrock is a financial wizard who writes about food, wine and the world of gourmet bacon.Rocco owns and runs a Bacon of the Month Club called The Bacon Freak Bacon is Meat Candy Club as well as a Wine Club called the Coastal Vineyard Wine Club.After leaving the military, Rocco worked at a local bank while attending classes and earned his Bachelor’s degree in Management at Azusa Pacific University. Rocco loves to do woodworking, cooking, and growing fresh ingredients for his kitchen.