Nabbie’s Performing Arts Studio presented Sounds of Hollywood on Saturday, June 9, 2012 at 7:30 p.m. with a matinee on Sunday, June 10th. Nabbie’s Musical Director is Dr. Carol A. Nabatoff, and its Stage Director is Leo Wolfe. The performances were held at Cultural Park Theatre in Cape Coral, Florida.
Hollywood Style
This was a Hollywood Red Carpet style tribute to outstanding Oscar-winning songs, movie themes and musical numbers. The cast was a combination of fabulous singers, actors and musicians of all ages (age ranges: five – senior).

The Stage
The stage was simply set with a huge Hollywood sign surrounded in lights on the stage’s back wall, a life-size Oscar at stage right, with a piano and podium at stage left where the two hosts made their remarks and introductions.

The Cast
There were approximately 40 cast members who kept the show lively with renditions of Hollywood in the form of song, dance, acting dialogue or piano pieces.
Special Guests
All cast members stood out, and one special guest even flew in from England. The guest was singer and actress Amanda Hootman. Hootman was a former student of Nabbie’s and a graduate of Guildford Conservatory in the United Kingdom.
Hootman, along with Leo Wolfe, marvelously performed “Think of Me” from The Phantom of the Opera (2004).
Cast and Audience Comments

“No matter where I go with my career, it’s always nice to come back and do some performing in Southwest Florida. I love the Nabbie’s organization and would do anything for them.” – Amanda Hootman
“Tonight was a wonderful potpourri of entertainment. There were spirited performances from artists of all ages – from the very young, to mature veterans of the stage. For me personally, stand-out performances were from Amanda Hootman, Heidi Brown, and the young (star of the future?) Ian Wolf, and those were just some of the highlights. Having said that, all the performers gave their all, and were well received by the enthusiastic audience. A great atmosphere, and a super evening enjoyed by all.” – Lesley Staples
“Carol Nabatoff and Leo Wolfe are brilliant teachers and directors, so Nabbie’s shows are always awesome. They showcase performers of all ages and all skill levels, from complete beginners to industry professionals , and as a result, they provide a comfortable and non-intimidating platform for people like me (who have never done this before).” – Nancy Hootman
Anyone who loves all things Hollywood would have loved this amazing tribute. It was an unforgettable event!