On Jan. 28, 2013, the Edison & Ford Winter Estates, in Fort Myers, Fla., announced some of their upcoming events and entertainment.
Upcoming Events at Winter Estates
Throughout the month of February there will be many celebrations on the property. One of the events is even free!
Such highlights for the month will include Thomas Edison’s Birthday Celebration, Annual Edison Ford Antique Car Show and a free performance by the Edison Festival of Light Featured Band.
Featured Band

The Kincardine Scottish Pipe Band will be the band featured. In addition, there will be a variety of other special programs and activities all month long.
The Kincardine Scottish Pipe Band is shown in one photo, and the band will be performing a free concert at the Edison & Ford Winter Estates on Feb. 15.
Bamboo Electrolier Demonstrated

Edison Ford volunteer David Sheehey will be demonstrating how to build a bamboo “Electrolier” for the Strolling Flower Show on Feb. 7.
“An electrolier was the name for a fixture, usually hanging down from the ceiling, for holding electric lamps. The word is analogous to chandelier, from which it was formed.” – Wikipedia

Edison Ford Estates Contact Info
Chris Pendleton, President & CEO
Lisa Sbuttoni, PR/Marketing Director