Color and Motion: When Art and Dance Collide

Testuo Hasegawa with Sally
An Untitled moment

Last night at Ward III in Tribeca, Contaminate NYC presented the opening of “Kuroi Hikari” (The Black Light), a unique exhibition by Japanese painter Testuo Hasegawa. “Searching for beauty,” Testuo explores various corridors of the psyche. Mastering form, color and shadow, his journey creates a dreamlike quality in his art, sometimes riddled with inner torment, at times grotesque, yet then; some of his work seems to suggest a beautiful memory or an anticipated moment of joy, frozen in time.

The opening presentation also featured two performances by lovely Japanese belly dancer, Lale Sayoko. “Sayoko” means “Night” and her dancing captures the essence of a dream. She believes that “Life is a dance,” and through dance she interpreted Testuo’s work, adding dimension and motion to shadow and color. In both the traditional and contemporary program, toned and fit, she easily glided, sensual, intense and captivating. Her long Raven hair accents her striking features as she attempts to portray the beauty and struggles of life.

Lale Sayoko
Contemporary with mask
A Sayoko Smile

Great food, drinks, atmosphere and art? Don’t miss out. Testuo’s exhibition will last until May 21st.

Testuo Hasegawa

Lale Sayoko

WARD III (Lounge/Bar),

111 Reade Street

New York, NY 10013

(212) 249-9194

Visit David’s Website: “Writer’s Edge”

David Pambianchi
David Pambianchi is a New York writer, who loves to tell stories about the city, the people, the entertainment, the sport and the businesses that catch his attention.Novel: Carrots & Apples: Parenthood, Divorce and Public Corruption