Domestic Violence is largely an unreported crime. Today, cultural leader Veera Mahajan, who has dedicated her life to stopping domestic violence 100%; helps bring victims from abuse into victory. With her sought-after coaching, leadership in arbitration, and most recently, a public speaker and radio host, Veera Mahajan is also author of the book growing widely in popularity among counselors and universities; “Unreported: Learning to LIVE free.”

“According to the Centers for Disease Control (Division of Violence Prevention, “More than 1 in 3 women (35.6%) and more than 1 in 4 men (28.5%) in the United States have experienced rape, physical violence, and /or stalking by an intimate partner in their lifetime.”
About Veera Mahajan
Author, Mediator, and Public Speaker; Veera Mahajan is one of Malibu’s most valued community leaders. Author of the critically acclaimed book “Unreported,” about recognizing and overcoming domestic abuse and stopping domestic violence, Veera Mahajan is also a highly praised Educator, Mediator, and Publisher.
Education; Brains and Beauty
With a master’s degree in Dispute Resolution from the prestigious Pepperdine School of Law; Straus Institute for Dispute Resolution, Veera Mahajan leads a multi-faceted team of private clients; educating them on the causes and solutions of crisis and conflicts.
In the institutional, educational world, Veera successfully leads a position as Communications Coordinator; bridging understanding, and wisely teaching peacemaking for both the student body and parents, as well as faculty. Through Veera’s guidance and expertise, students and peers learn to listen and respect each other, resolving conflicts with calmness and logic, rather than anger or violence.
A licensed Mediator; Veera’s motivation to help others lends itself to her work with attorney’s in resolving conflicts in the areas of business, insurance, and family among more. Her proven successes help save time, money, and most importantly–relationships.
Unreported: by Veera Mahajan on Amazon
Working earlier as a model and actress, Veera is additionally now working on producing her first feature film, UNREPORTED; based on her book of the same title. A cultural elevator; Veera founded and has published the widely read magazine Malibu Chronicle for over half a decade, lending her voice and mentorship to the community.
With a second degree in Computer Science, Veera earlier managed an international, multi-million-dollar software company headquartered in Auburn Hills, Michigan. The highly educated business leader is also an international beauty. She represented India during the Mrs. Asia, USA Cultural Pageant, and occasionally still graces the pages of magazines. During years of experience in the corporate world, Veera has founded companies, managed start-ups, and succeeded in both corporate sales, mergers, and acquisitions.
Born in Punjab, India, Veera Mahajan came to United States in 1982. Landing in the United States from India in 1982 as a young woman of nineteen with her family, her parents wanted the best life for her and her three brothers, which they duly received.
Proud of her background; to Veera, being an Indian woman means “To be a person of top integrity and good principles.” She states that “Indians believe in gaining higher education, working hard to achieve one’s goals, and are known for being wonderful, and entertaining hosts,” all which happen to be some of the defining characteristics of this modern-day renaissance woman.
A mother of two sons; Kunal and Rahul, Veera enjoys reading, writing, running, hiking, dancing, and doing yoga in her spare time. As a philanthropist, the entrepreneur has run marathons, and even climbed a tower of stairs in order to raise funds for the sick and poor.
Opinion Leader with a Mission to Heal
Yet Veera’s most notable achievement in helping others, are her landmark accomplishments in becoming aware of and fighting to stop domestic violence and stop being a victim. As a vocal survivor of spousal abuse in her own right, Veera found the help and strength to finally recognize and leave her former situation. No longer a victim, Veera Mahajan is now a victor. Making it her life mission to help others escape domestic abuse that she too suffered, Veera’s crowning achievements have been real-life coaching, mediation, and training others in the field; in the homes, schools, colleges, and churches of her community.
Through her critically acclaimed book “Unreported,” Veera interviewed many who like her-suffered – yet overcame abuse. Through her unique, educational book, she encourages many from around the world who have been living in abusive situations, to better recognize the reality of their situation – which is often predicated on denial. Demonstrating they are not alone, Veera shows that with the right help through her efforts and the assistance of others, a life of happiness and freedom waits for them on the other side. Veera is pleased to be the light to others for that very hope, and to be the guide for them to follow her on that great new path that she has carved for herself – to victory.
Order Veera’s book here below through Amazon.
Press / Media: To schedule an interview with the author, and for all lecture bookings, please contact: (+1) 310-226-7176.
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