This is a story of how children’s imaginations are excited by everyday events and how their fears are often expressed and can also be resolved in terrific night time dreams.
We have all been trained to think of a dream as something that happens involuntarily when we are involved in a deep sleep and that has little to do with reality. But the truth is – children’s dreams often directly reflect their daytime experiences and anxieties and if approached playfully can help them grow stronger as they come to grips with their daytime fears.
The new series should be a hit with parents and children alike. Timothy’s Tottle’s Terrific Dream shows a child wrestling with the common fear of shrinking and swirling down the bathtub drain, expressed in an imaginative dream.
While dreams and imagination can be anxiety provoking, opening the imagination to resolve common fears is also a good tactic to use. This book gives children permission to resolve their fears in imaginative dreams coupled with a sense of security that when they arise in the morning, from their late night adventures, parents will still be present – right down the hallway in their beds, and waiting to hear all about it.
As the idea was put into motion, Dr. Speckhard passed along this message as to why this book and preceding series was an eye opener in a world full of interesting developments when it comes to the children. “This book shows the love between mother and child, the playfulness of dreams and what it feels like to grapple with everyday childhood fears and be nurtured into a peaceful sleep.”
Timothy Tottle not only has terrific dreams, but he makes us all love our children and appreciate their imaginations even more!
Dr. Speckhard is a child development and family psychology expert currently serving as Adjunct Associate Professor of Psychiatry in the Medical School of Georgetown University. Dr. Speckhard has been serving overseas, alongside her U.S. Ambassador husband around the world for many years, and continues to use her expertise to dissect the problems and issues that plague this society as a whole!