Book Review: A Woman’s Worth by Marianne Williamson

A Woman’s Worth by Marianne Williamson is one of those books offering something special and insightful for each person reading it. Although it is largely geared towards women, male readers may also gain from reading it. It is a nonjudgmental look from a spiritual point of view of what women’s roles are in society, and where they should be. Although idealistic at times, this book is clearly intelligently written and packed with deep wisdom.

Marianne Williamson is a well-know spiritual speaker and writer. First coming to public attention with her book, “A Return to Love,” Ms. Williamson has become a prolific and much-loved author. Her books resonate with a lot of people, possibly because she writes less about who we are, but more so, about whom we want to be.

I have read almost all of her books, and would rank, “A Woman’s Worth,” on the top of my Marianne Williamson recommended reading list. It discusses women’s spirituality, direction, feelings, intelligence and strength. It offers insights into becoming the woman that you want to be, rather than the woman you feel you should be.

I believe strongly in books like this. Books that offer support and hope to those women (and men) who have trouble in the roles they have chosen or been assigned to in life. This book does not emphasize the differences, but offers encouragement to a woman seeking to be her truest self.

If you are looking for a book that will give you hope or insight, any of Marianne Williamson’s books will do that. If you are specifically looking for a book that will elevate you as a woman of spirit, a book that will bring you a powerful poetic vision of what you can dream or accomplish, than this is the book for you. Recommended.