April Fool’s Virus or Worm, AKA Conficker Virus

Computer security software provider Symantec/Norton suggests that the so called April Fool’s Virus, known to many security companies as the Conficker worm or virus, is no particular threat.


As a long-time security specialist and former TechRepublic Locksmith Columnist as well as decades-long Power User Columnist for Government Computer News, I agree that this is probably more hype than real threat but suggest that concerned individuals take the simple step of setting back their computer clock by two days tonight so that any worm on your system is unlikely to recognize that tomorrow is April 1.

Everyone should also keep their security software updated.

Changing the clock may or may not work depending on the sophistication of the infectious agent, but takes only seconds and may provide some protection until you see whether there is actually anything to the threat warnings.

Most Windows users can simply double-click on the time display on their screen, set the date back two days, and click on “Apply” or perhaps “OK,” then check to see if it has been altered.

WARNING: you should not attempt this on a company computer unless you know what you are doing. This action could cause some file problems even on individual systems, but it is a simple and usually safe step to take when a worm or virus is scheduled to activate on a specific date.