Protecting Your Personal Computers from Online Threats

The computer world is full of potential threats from people hacking computers. Everyday presents new challenges to protecting computers from people that seek to rob people of personal information and gain access to forbidden information. The internet is the main avenue by which hackers access personal computers. There is not a single method that is secure enough to challenge every threat that is out in the world. So many people have chosen to layer their computers with programs designed for defense. According to business IT support professionals, there are some things that can be done to protect a computer from the everyday threats found on the internet.

Simple Ways to Protect a Computer from Hackers and Internet Threats

Multiple layer protection is the best way to protect any computer system. Here are some ways that these layers can be implemented with optimal success.

Setting Up the Firewall

There is one easy way to understand what a firewall is all about. It is to think of it as a security station that monitors all the data coming and going from the computer. It blocks data that looks threatening while letting the safe data through. The firewall is the first line of security to a computer. Turn the firewall on and leave it on to maximize protecting the computer.

Use Antivirus Software

Antivirus software can be considered the second line of defense to a computer. The firewall monitors all the data coming into the computer, while at the same time the antivirus software is scanning the trusted data for coding of software that can harm the computer. The coding that the antivirus is looking for has the ability to create a threat to the entire operating system. This type of software can be Trojans, viruses, keyloggers, spyware, and many other named threats. All of these threats slow the computer down to a crawl and actually block programs from being able to run appropriately. Some threats can even sit silently behind the scenes and collected personal information that it sends back to its origin.

Antivirus software actively scans the computer while it is in operation. This provides protection at all times. The antivirus software can be set to perform automatic updates so it always current with the new threats that come out daily. It can also be programed to perform scans on a daily basis.

Keeping the Spyware Away

Of all the dangers that can damage a computer, there is nothing more dangerous than spyware. Virus and hackers can destroy the computer, but spyware can destroy a life. Spyware gathers personal information on the people that use the computer. It then sends the information to another website that tracks and records personal data. To keep this threat from infiltrating the computer anti-spyware software should be the third line of defense. Many computers that are built today come with this type of software on the system. It is just a matter of turning in on from the control panel.

Keep Up on the Passwords

The fourth line of defense for a computer is the password. Passwords are the secret phrases or sets of letters and numbers that are used to lock out people that are not authorized to use the system. Passwords can be combination of letters, numbers, and symbols arranged in a variety of ways and is set by the computer’s owner. Every password should be complex enough and secret enough so it cannot be broken. It is always a good idea to change passwords on a regular basis.

Set the Security Browser

The security browser is the final level of security to have. It is a program that can be set at different levels. Each level has a collection of security filters that will screen out unwanted information and harmful programs. The highest level is the level that will provide the most protection.

Melissa Thompson
Melissa Thompson writes about a wide range of topics, revealing interesting things we didn't know before. She is a freelance USA Today producer, and a Technorati contributor.