Turn Blogging into a Career: How to Make Money From Your Blog

It’s estimated that the number of bloggers in the United States will reach 31.7 million by 2020.

But why are that many people blogging? Most of them use it as a revenue source. Some blogs even bring in six figures of revenue every month.

If you’re wondering how you can make money blogging, you’ve come to the right place. Read on to discover all the ways you can turn blogging into a career.

Money-Making Blog Types

Wondering how to make money blogging? The first thing to do is create a blog that people are actually interested in. Without loyal readers, there is no revenue.

Travel blogs, legal blogs, and parenting blogs are some of the most popular options. The key to creating a successful blog is making sure that you’re an expert on the topic you’re writing about. Everyone has their own niche. It’s just a matter of discovering what yours is.

There are many other types of blogs that make money, view here for more.

Affiliate Links

When asking yourself how to start a blog that makes money, first consider affiliate links.

Affiliate links are links you include in a blog post that advertise a specific product. If a reader from your blog follows the affiliate link and makes a purchase, the blog earns a commission.

This works best if you review the product first, giving your readers your reliable opinion of the product. Not only will you earn some money, but you’ll also gain the trust of your readers with truthful reviews.


Ads are another common way to make money with your blog.

Many blogs use cost per click or cost per impression ads on their blogs. Each time a reader clicks or sees an ad on your blog, you earn a few cents. Those cents start to add up if you have a large following of loyal readers.

Instead of appearing within your text like affiliate links, these appear off the side of your blog post or in a banner ad. The most common marketplace for these types of ads is Google AdSense.

Sell Products

Many people make money blogging by also selling products on their blog. You can try selling both physical or digital items.

Do you have artistic ability, or are your really great with your hands? Try offering paintings, custom furniture, or any other item you can create to your readers. If you build up a community with your readers, they’ll be more likely to support you and your products.

But not everything you sell has to be a physical item. You can also sell mentoring sessions, graphic design services, or e-books.

The key is finding a product you are capable of creating that fits in with your blog niche.

Beyond Blogging for Money

Know you’re well on your way to turn blogging into a career.

Remember to first discover your own niche. Then use affiliate links and ads to start bringing in the revenue. Then try increasing your income by selling products.

Looking for ways to make money besides your own blog? Check out this article on different ways to use your writing talent online.

And for everything else online business related, visit our blog.

Melissa Thompson
Melissa Thompson writes about a wide range of topics, revealing interesting things we didn't know before. She is a freelance USA Today producer, and a Technorati contributor.