“The Rose Hollywood Report,” a popular entertainment segment for all that is Hollywood, has just been added to a weekly rotation on WSLM 97.9 and AM 1220 in Salem, IN on Thursday’s at 9AM EST.
The Rose Hollywood Report is broadcast to over 11 million listeners each week on over 200 stations nationwide. It’s also the official Hollywood Report of “The Mancow Experience,” one of the nation’s top rated syndicated shows.
Now on various stations around the United States, “Mr. Hollywood” Shannon Rose of “The Rose Hollywood Report” will be broadcasting to the world the breaking news regarding blockbuster movies, television shows, celebrity gossip and more. When searching for a continuous source of national rumors and pertinent information, make The Rose Hollywood Report your daily stop, as your ears will not be disappointed!
Shannon is a Hollywood Reporter, Radio Personality and Publicist with insider connections in Television and Radio. He is known for bringing new favorite movies, celebrity updates and television shows every week via the ‘Rose Hollywood Report’ on the Mancow Show.