Donia Najar

Donia Najar loves to write science fiction and review books. She says writing is her supplying energy that keeps her functioning.

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The Twilight Saga

'I reached out for him, found his hands in the darkness and pulled myself closer to him. His arms encircled me cradling me to his chest. My lips searched, hunting along his throat, to his chin till I finally found his lips' wrote Stephanie Meyer.

Why Do We Abuse Our Closest? We are Part of Them, So Why Hurt Them?

Rape, abuse, treating one another unequally and losing one's self steam. Today we live in a society that calls itself for modern and developed but still we continue having outrageous behavior and emotional instability from many of us.

An Ordinary Life Isn’t That Ordinary After All

I believe that living in that way is too boring because of the fact that it is not in our nature to be or seek being average, and by living that kind of a lifestyle will eventually beat and destroy our desires, which may make us senseless.


Heat Sealers Provide Secure and Efficient Packaging Solutions

Packaging plays a crucial role in protecting products during storage and transportation, aided by heat sealers.

How Cloud-based Tools Enhance Collaboration Across Partner Ecosystems

In today's interconnected business landscape, effective collaboration across partner...

We Must Finally Say Farewell To The UN

The United Nations Organization (UN) headquarters building stands tall...

The Red Cross AWOL On Israel

The Red Cross AWOL On Israel AWOL means, 'Absent Without...