Chloé Simone Valdary is a Zionist. That means that Chloé believes that 68 years ago the Jews had the right to re-establish and continuously develop and protect what is now called the Land of Israel, where a large portion of the Jewish nation is living.
Chloé, though not ethnically Jewish, is a Zionist simply because she believes in the fundamental right of the Jewish people to live freely in their native land, Israel. With such a belief, Chloé strives to honor and uphold this right of the Jewish people every day.

Well spoken, Chloé, is working for Jerusalem U as a Director of Strategic Partnership and Outreach, where, with compelling film content they work to make Israel the subject of conversation, rather than having to defend the subject, Israel. Chloé works with all millennials, age 16-to-24 years old, who lack the ability to correctly respond to attacks on Israel and Jews, if and when they find themselves having to do so. For them she created the ‘Theory of Enchantment’ approach along which it is easy to defend Israel from her detractors and foes, and there are countless of them.
The ‘Theory of Enchantment’ is simple; along this theory when one confronts a person who attacks Israel with either painful but baseless accusations, such as Israel is ‘an apartheid state’, ‘Zionism is racism’, and the like, the answer is: “Israel had started from nothing, so you can do it too.”
The ‘Theory of Enchantment’ approach eliminates the habitual but futile, beat around the bush “cherry tomato” approach. This type approach is a defense mechanism that goes like this, “Israel invented the cherry tomato and the computer memory stick so you should cherish and love her, sympathize with her, support her, no matter what.” But the millennials could care less what Israel invented. It is not what is important to them unless the providers of the compelling content manages to have a cross over effect.
Jerusalem U’s objective is to bring Zionism into the main stream, using media content being compelling and enchanting all the same. Jerusalem U is carrying a new and most positive approach with films like Israel Inside, Beneath The Helmet, and many others, that are showing Israel’s many positive aspects while refuting much of the audience’s negativity toward Jews and Israel they may hold and/or spread.
When it comes to defending Jews and Israel we need to clone Chloé. With her latest, most convincing clip, “Forever” – An ode to the people of Israel, cloned, voila, Israel could have an army of the best public defenders in the world.