Saving Young Israeli Girls From Extreme Hardship


I am sure many people wonder why Israelis come to the United States to raise funds for projects in their own country.

Similarly to any country in the world, there is a necessity for NGOs (Non-Governmental Organizations) in Israel, as salvation does not come from their own government. NGOs in United States are leaders in taking upon themselves projects that the government will neither initiate nor support, whether it is the much required research or helping those in need, for example, the military and civilians.

Americans know that if they want something done they have to take personal responsibility to make it happen. Israelis have finally learned this most effective system and are slowly and effectively starting their own NGOs for projects and causes that touch their hearts and for goals that need to be achieved. One such project is the Dolev Homes.

The reason that the Dolev Homes representatives have come to the United States in an attempt to raise awareness and financial support is because the Jewish community and the non-Jewish community that support Israel, in this so blessed country, has more means to help their fellow Israelis who have taken upon themselves this worthy cause.

Members of Dolev Homes. Photo Dolev Homes
Members of Dolev Homes. Photo Dolev Homes

About the Dolev Homes

Guest Malka Winshman guest Dr. Ben Talei photographer Orly Halevy Host Sam Delug and Mr. Delug right hand person Denise Montellano. Photo Orly Halevy
Guest Malka Winshman, guest Dr. Ben Talei, photographer Orly Halevy, Host Sam Delug and Mr. Delug’s right hand person Denise Montellano. Photo Orly Halevy

The Dolev Homes Association was founded over 25 years ago with the goal to assist adolescent girls between the ages of 11 and 23 who have suffered extreme hardship and turmoil in their lives through physical, emotional and sexual abuse.

Suffering from interpersonal difficulties, emotional and behavioral problems, the girls are placed in loving Dolev Homes and with the appropriate therapeutic programs, they gain a new life.

Who is involved?

This month of March, Eli and Edva Shafir, volunteers at the Dolev Homes project, arrived in the United States, for the first time, to tell the local community the sad story of girls in Israel who have found themselves, through no fault of their own, raped and abused.

L Edva Shafir Guest Eli Malahi Eli Shafir Gal Ben Naim guest Genia Nati Saudof of IAC - Photo Orly Halevy
LEdva Shafir, Guest Eli Malahi, Eli Shafir, Gal Ben-Naim, guest Genia, Nati Saudof of IAC – Photo Orly Halevy

The Dolev Homes takes them in, saving many of them from committing suicide, and in most cases straightening them out through love, professional psychological and social help. These girls are given a warm environment and a safe roof above their heads.

Dr. Joseph (Yossi) Bachar, the former director of Israel Economy Ministry, now the Chairman of Israel Discount Bank (IDB), has his heart with and commitment to the Dolev Homes project. He arrived in Southern California and with the devoted assistance of Gal Ben-Naim, in charge of Investment at Israel Discount Bank, Southern California, have organized a presentation of the Dolev Homes project at the Beverly Hills home of the charming philanthropist, Sam Delug.


Israels Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare Award Certificate
Israel’s Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare Award Certificate

The graduates live and thrive as respectable Israeli citizens who, in most cases, raise well-adjusted Jewish families.

What Can We Do?

The Jewish sages tell us: In saving one life, you save the entire world. In this case, we need to help Dolev Homes to save Israeli adolescent girls at risk and help as many girls as possible, who have been caught up in this web of misfortune, to heal.

Dolev Homes needs to add more family units, at the cost of $2.5-to-$10 million. Of course, any amount donated will be welcome. Generous contributions were pledged at this initiating event, but the road is long to accomplish the goal at hand.

In 2012 Dolev Homes was the winner of the coveted education prize from Israel’s Teachers Union, took first place in the Prevention of Violence in Israel awarded by the Knesset Chairman, and is the winner of 2013 prestigious President’s Award from the Ministry of Education, it is now well known that Dolev Homes remarkable work is fruitful. With the public’s help they will be able to shine even more.

Your generous donation to Dolev Homes will help them in their mission to build a stronger Israel.

Nurit Greenger
Nurit Greenger
During the 2006 second Lebanon War, Nurit Greenger, referenced then as the "Accidental Reporter" felt compelled to become an activist. Being an 'out-of-the-box thinker, Nurit is a passionately committed advocate for Jews, Israel, the United States, and the Free World in general. From Southern California, Nurit serves as a "one-woman Hasbarah army" for Israel who believes that if you stand for nothing, you will fall for anything.

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