Evangelical Christians United to Protect Israel


As a Jew, when anti-Semitism is showing its ugly head everywhere, on the rise and fast growing, when I see my fellow Jews losing their Jewishness to Obamanism Leftism-Liberalism, when the world seems to have lost its moral compass and rationale and is fast becoming a very dangerous world, and its navigators, the people who call themselves leaders, have no clue how to navigate and lead, I cannot think of any better place to be than among Christians who love the state of Israel and have the utmost respect for the Jewish nation.

Shimon Erem And The Israel Christian Nexus

This week the Israel Christian Nexus (ICN), the organization General (Ret.) Shimon Erem founded, held a tribute to the man whose vision and leadership will be hard to match.

After Shimon passing, in my article In Memoriam of Shimon Erem of May 30, 2012 I wrote “Today we are mourning the loss of Simon. Tomorrow we will celebrate that he has not left a world empty of cause behind him. Shimon followed, Psalm 121:4, ‘Behold, he that keepeth Israel will neither slumber nor sleep.’ We owe him to do the very same. Victor Frenkl said, everything can be taken away from a person, except one thing, attitude. Goodbye Shimon and please watch over us from His heavens.”

The tributes were organized by Californian Christian parishes, both members of ICN. One, that also honored Holocaust survivors, was held at the Ambassador Auditorium, Pasadena, the home of lead Pastors Che and Sue Ahn’s congregation and the other, at The Rock Church, Anaheim, with Senior Pastor Jerry Dirmann leading the ceremony. Both have proven beyond all doubt that Shimon Erem did not leave a world empty of his cause.

Israel Christian Nexus was founded for one purpose only, to unite Christians and Jews in defense of the State of Israel that is facing unparalleled threats from the Arab world and beyond, since its establishment.

Everyday good Christians around the world pray for the sake of and safe Jerusalem and the hundreds of thousands of ICN church goers members, and ever so growing, are among the leading forces.

The list of people who are now committed to help and lead Israel Christian Nexus is impressive.

ICN leadership at the tribute
ICN leadership at the tribute, from R Jacob YakiDayan, Danielle Erem, Pastor Dr. Jack Hayford, Bill A, Survivor, Pat Boone

ICN Leadership

Danielle Erem, late Shimon Erem’s wife, with Patricia Johnson are running the day-to-day operations of ICN.

The Chairman is now Pastor Dr. Jack Hayford, of the Kings’ University, an author and a prominent leader of the international Christian Community. In his speech, Pastor Hayford expressed his worry of the passivity of America toward Israel. “We live in a demanding hour; there is erosion of values, history and our humanity; erosion of our own conviction. In America, the amplification must come through us, the Christians, who need to thank the Jews as they were instrumental in receiving the word of G-d, the Bible, and giving us our Savior. Indifference, fear and misguidance is the oxygen of evil,” he said.

ICN president is Jacob ‘Yaki’ Dayan who served as Consul General for Israel to the Southwestern United States from 2007-2011 and now is heading a venture capital fund that invests in projects in the Negev, one of Israel’s key strategic regions comprising 60% of Israel’s land and where only 8% of the population live.

Mr. Dayan worked with Gen. Erem and the ICN on numerous solidarity events and programs. The two men became close friends through their shared commitment to deepening the Jewish-Christian partnership for Israel.

“Today, more than ever, we have to stand together as a tower of light to strengthen the State of Israel and the values we – Christians and Jews together – represent,” he said in his statement speech, calling to action. “Time to say enough to Islam propaganda, lies, and deception. Iran is a force of evil. Never make excuse for terrorism, never succumb to evil. Indifference and appeasement is not an option as the cost is too high. Enough of Israel being the scapegoat of the world; enough of the ongoing delegitimization campaign and the wish to destroy Israel.”

Pat Boone And Pastor Robert Stearn

Then there is the recording artist, song writer and actor Christian-Zionist Pan Boone, who has been a strong supporter of Israel for decades. Over the years, he has led tours to Israel for the Christian Broadcasting Network, and was named Christian Ambassador to Israel by the Israeli Tourism Department.

Another member is Pastor Robert Stearn, of Eagles Wings Ministry, who joined the ICN’s advisory board. Pastor Stearn, a remarkable singer, is the founder of the Global Day of Prayer for the Peace of Jerusalem that takes place on the first Sunday of every October each year: see ‘Pastors Robert Stearns and Jack Hayford launch the largest interfaith video exchange in history’

The Day of Prayer for the Peace of Jerusalem:

The Government of Israel supports ICN and so do many rabbis, among them Rabbi Baruch Cohon who is a member of ICN Board and Rabbi Mordecai Finley of Ohr Ha’Torah Congregation. Representing the government of Israel were David Seigel, the Consul General of Israel in Los Angeles and Dr. Uri Resnick, Deputy Consul General.

The eloquent Don Crawford of Crawford Broadcasting Company that held a weekly show with General Erem was precise in his statement that there is invisible power now touching evil.

Hugo Grotius, was a jurist in the Dutch Republic, who with Francisco de Vitoria and Alberico Gentili laid the foundations for international law, based on natural law. The interesting part is that the International law was written based on Manoel Dias Soeiro (1604 – 1657), Rabbi Menasheh ben Yisrael, acronym MBY’s, teaching.

Rabbi ben Yisrael was born in the French town La-Rochelle to a Jewish Portuguese family who escaped the Inquisition in Spain in 1605. In the beginning the family settled in La-Rochelle and then in 1610 they moved to Amsterdam, Holland. Rabbi ben Yisrael was a Kabbalist rabbi, scholar, writer, diplomat, printer and publisher, and he founder of the first Hebrew printing press in Amsterdam, in 1627.

It is ironic how much evil has been and is done against the people – Jews – who contributed so much to humanity and copyrighted human rights and social justice.

What Makes People Stand Up To Evil?

In WWII, righteous Christians, with basic human decency, stood up to the evil Nazis and saved Jewish lives. Today, they stand up to the Islamic evil that wants to destroy Israel.

And though the Children of Israel have been and are still willing to settle for less of what G-d promised and gave them to achieve peace, the world is not satisfied; it believes that only the demise of the Jewish state will bring about salvation. But it will not, as then evil will rule.

I believe that the Christians who are members of a church that belongs to Israel Christian Nexus (ICN) are joint with the state of Israel and Jews in the heart and hip.

Just like Christians, members of ICN thank Jews for walking with them on the road where their identity meets with theirs, so do Jews need to do the very same. Unity with friends is strength.

The legacy of General Shimon Erem is seeking solace in all of us and ICN is leading the way. One cannot run out of words to describe the love the evangelical Christians have for Israel; it is Israel Christian Nexus (ICN) and it is Christians United For Israel (CUFI) alike.

And to that I will say Amen and Hallelujah.

Nurit Greenger
Nurit Greenger
During the 2006 second Lebanon War, Nurit Greenger, referenced then as the "Accidental Reporter" felt compelled to become an activist. Being an 'out-of-the-box thinker, Nurit is a passionately committed advocate for Jews, Israel, the United States, and the Free World in general. From Southern California, Nurit serves as a "one-woman Hasbarah army" for Israel who believes that if you stand for nothing, you will fall for anything.

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