I attended the CUFI Washington D.C. Summit, July 8-9, 2019. The main topic of this event was Antisemitism. CUFI is the acronym for Christians United for Israel.
Through the two-day summit I could not stop thinking about my Holocaust-surviving parents and what would they have thought, with much disbelief, because history has taught them otherwise, about Christians on the front line to defend Israel and Jews.
CUFI’s (Christians United for Israel) goal is to make Israel stronger and her people safer, one person at a time. With 7.1 million members strong and expanding to the Latin America countries, together, Christians are speaking with one loud voice.
CUFI is the largest pro-Israel grassroots organization in the United States; it is also the only Christian organization devoted to transforming millions of pro-Israel Christians into an educated, empowered, and effective force for Israel.
Pastor John Hagee, CUFI Founder, since 2006 and Senior Pastor of Cornerstone Church in San Antonio, Texas, a non-denominational evangelical church, said to 5,000 enthusiasts attendees, Christians and Jews from all over the world, that it is a sad day for our Judeo-Christian civilization that in 2019 we have to address and deal with the Antisemitism evil that once again has reared its ugly head. The Summit held, the first time ever, a session on Antisemitism.
The Summit was studded with speakers who shape the political sphere and influence the public, leaders who help enhance and strengthen the USA-Israel existing alliance and bond and representatives of Israel Defense Forces (IDF), those who defend the land of Israel daily. This was a cadre of speakers who got together, to speak, in unison, about the United States’ support for Israel and the Jewish state’s importance to the USA.
S.2940 – Anti-Semitism Awareness Act of 2018.
Anti-Zionism is Antisemitism, it is Zionphobia. According to Pastor Hagee, Antisemitism is not a Jewish problem, it is everyone’s problem.
On Thursday, June 13, 2019, The U.S. Senate, unanimously, passed a bipartisan resolution, introduced by Sens. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and Tim Kaine (D-Va.), condemning anti-Semitism.
Senator Tim Scott (R-SC), the lead sponsor and Senator Roy Blunt (R-MO), the co-sponsor of the Antisemitism Awareness Act Bill, both spoke at the Summit.
The Antisemitism Awareness Act endorses the State Department definition of anti-Semitism, which includes Delegitimizing Israel, Demonizing Israel or holding Israel to a Double standard (The three ‘D‘). The bill seeks to adopt the U.S. State Department’s definition of anti-Semitism so that the Education Department may consider it in investigating reports of religiously motivated campus crimes.
Since its successful vote in the Senate, the bill has been languishing in the House and for many excuses and one other it has not yet put to vote.
CUFI’s primary mission while in Washington D.C., is to tackle, head-on, the rising tide of anti-Semitism that have become increasingly common, sweeping across the nation, whether it is violence from extremists and/or hateful rhetoric found in USA most hallowed institutions – from college campuses to Congress.
The boss, we the people members of CUFI, were in town to learn the topic and then visit with their representatives and assert they finally vote and pass the Bill.
CUFI was created for exactly such a time when the Jewish community is forced to face this Antisemitism scourge. CUFI will stand up and make clear that if a line must be drawn, it will be drawn around Christians and Jews together.
Recently, Pastor Hagee noted, “God and history will judge harshly those bigots who espouse hatred of Jews. But make no mistake, God and history will be no less kind to those who sit by and watch that ancient hatred spread once again. As Americans, as people of faith and conscience, we must be intolerant of intolerance. And regardless of how uncomfortable or hard we may find it, we must never hold our peace.”
CUFI members clearly support President Trump’s actions in Israel
CUFI members, acting upon “I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.”~ Genesis 12:3, when the ‘you’ is the nation of Israel, the apple of God’s eye; He watched over them as an eagle watches over her young (Deuteronomy 32:10-11).
CUFI’s support for Israel is not for political reasons, rather for Bible issues. No other nation can have the claim to what the bible tells us. The land of Israel Covenant between God and the Nation of Israel is based on the integrity of God and thus cannot be challenged and broken. The Jews’ ownership of the land is indisputable and must not suffer any disruption.
CUFI’s members believe that Christians are indebted to the Jewish people. Take away Jesus, who was a Jew, and there is no Christianity. Christianity cannot explain its existence without Judaism but Judaism does not need Christianity to explain its existence. Christians’ salvation is on the Jews.
Believing that the United States is blessed because of Israel and God blesses the gentiles who bless Jerusalem, according to CUFI the borders between Christians and Judaism blur.
CUFI strongly supported the move of the USA embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. Their message to President Trump was that this action, so much was opposed by many countries and even some of his cabinet, will not cause the sky to fall and the rivers to stop running.
The recent discovery and the opening of the ‘pilgrimage road,’ which Pastor Hagee attended, a 2000 year old road on which millions of Jews, among them Jesus, walked up to the Temple three times each year, only strengthens the linkage between Christianity and Judaism.
Jerusalem, is the 6000 miles distance Gettysburg
The Judeo-Christian heritage, the bible, and Jerusalem, Israel’s Gettysburg, is what unites CUFI, the Jews and Israel.
The Jewish people claim to the land stands on five pillars:
Bible – it gives God’s deed to the land to His people.
History – it is more and more indisputable, now backed by archaeological findings.
Legal – codified in international law.
The pursuit of international peace and security – Good for the entire world.
The truth – the truth always comes to surface as it cannot hide for too long.
In summation
CUFI sees itself as the balancing leg of the state of Israel, a safe land for Christians, and the Jewish people, to make sure it will not be destroyed.
Jew hatred is the hatred of God, today comes from the political Left and Islam, while Israel unites Christians, united for Christ, freedom, God, USA, Israel and Jews, and the TRUTH.
The countless banners attesting to Israel’s goodness that were placed all over the D.C. convention center’s halls during the Summit, were the attestation that CUFI is continuously working to preserve Israel’s past and future.
The spies Moses sent to learn about the land God promised to His people saw themselves as grasshoppers against the giants living there; but the giants they saw did not see the spies as grasshoppers: “We saw the Nephilim [giants]. We seemed like grasshoppers in our own eyes, and we looked the same to them.” ~Numbers 13:33
No one remember the names of the ten out of twelve spies, sent to explore the Promised Land and give their report to Moses and the people, who reported negatively about the land.
Everyone, however, remembers the two spies, Joshua and Caleb, whose stories of good land were an example of faithful commitment to the Lord. Joshua and Caleb’s story is CUFI’s story: those who stands with Israel will be remembered forever.
If we, the people, see ourselves as grasshoppers, we lose.
In his speech, Vice President Mike Pence went further to claim that the USA and Israel is a family, “we stand with Israel for it is right over wrong, good over evil.”
The truth is that Jews have been looking for fans for 3000 years; they are not used to be loved, the love that comes from CUFI’s members.
I truly wish that all the Jewish people, in unison, learn to love and protect their land as CUFI members love Israel.
At CUFI they say, America will cease to be great when it ceases to be good. This is not a slogan, it is a fact. With CUFI’s leadership, good shall prevail.
Pastor Hagee is a giant amongst humanity. If optimism is not in the room, CUFI brings it in.