CADC Calls on Obama and McCain to address Israeli Intimidation and Violence against Christians
Even though Israel signed the Universal Declaration of Human Rights that says in Article 18, “Everyone has the right to…change his religion…and freedom…to manifest his religion or beliefs in teaching, practice, worship and observance,” persecution of Christians and Jewish converts to Christianity, continues in Israel.
John McCain and Barack Obama just met with American Israel Public Affairs Committee in an attempt to garner Jewish support by asserting their support of Israel.
“Will McCain and Obama turn a blind eye to the suffering of Christians in Israel?” asked Rev. Gary Cass, of the Christian Anti-Defamation Commission,” adding, “Both Obama and McCain say they want change, but do either of them have the courage to challenge the powerful Jewish lobby in America? Will either of them demand true religious liberty for Christians and all faiths in Israel as a condition of American support of Israel, including the right of Christians to share their faith with Jews?”
According to the Jewish Telegraph Agency, “Israel has an estimated 8,000 so-called messianic Jews. In effect they are crypto-Christians, practicing their faith discreetly for fear of stoking hostility among mainstream Jews. Reprisals can sometimes be violent.”
The intimidation and violence against the Jewish population who are Messianic was recently seen in a vicious attack on a Jewish Messianic pastor’s home. CNN’s Mark Bixler reported that the teenage son of a Messianic pastor was severely injured when a package delivered to his home exploded.
In May, hundreds of New Testaments were burned in Israel. The New Testaments were distributed by Messianic Jews in Yehuda. The town’s mayor, Uzi Aharon, had Jewish religious students gather the New Testaments and burn most of them next to a synagogue.
Barbara Ludwig, a Christian student from Germany, was scheduled for deportation from Israel June 30 because the Israeli government accused her of “missionary work.” Ludwig was taken to jail and told she must leave Israel by May 30.
Available for Talk Show interviews on this topic is Rev. Gary Cass, of the Christian Anti-Defamation Commission.
Gary Cass began in ministry preaching the Gospel behind the Iron Curtain and working with the persecuted church in the Soviet Union.
For twenty years Gary served as a pastor in the San Diego area and is a minister in the Presbyterian Church in America with graduate and post graduate degrees from Westminster Theological Seminary in California.
While serving as a pastor, Gary was recognized for his leadership in the pro-life movement and for helping other Christians get elected for political office.
A former Executive Committee Member of a major San Diego County political party, Gary also held a non-partisan elected office.
In 2004, Dr. Cass became the Executive Director of The Center for Reclaiming America for Christ, an outreach of Coral Ridge Ministries founded by Dr. D. James Kennedy.
Dr. Cass is the author of Gag Order and co-author of The Bible and the Black Board and has appeared in national and regional TV, radio and print media including ABC News and the Washington Post.