“Man is almost always as wicked as his needs require,” wrote Leopardi. How well this statement delineates contemporary journalism, especially that particular vein committed to obfuscating Islam’s deep-seated anti-Jewish hatred-exculpating it, writ large, and shamelessly dissembling it to the Western world as an ancient, salubrious ideology and therefore sacrosanct. And this entire endeavor at the expense of Judaism, the Jewish people and the State of Israel.
No matter how obvious Islam’s connection to Muslim hatred of the Jew, these Western journalists are adept at conjuring up appellations whose only purpose is to infer that such anti-Semitism (and its attendant terrorism) is somehow tangential from Islam proper. We have only to believe the non-Jew and disbelieve the Jew; believe the account of the Palestinian terrorist-become-politician and disbelieve the Israeli victims of terrorism. The naive and Leftist ideal of universalism these Western journalists are so afraid of transgressing against outweighs, according to their rationale, whatever injury Islam’s innate anti-Semitism inflicts upon the Jew and the reputation of the State of Israel. No lie is too tall or too cumbersome that cannot be told about the Jew and his Zionism when Islam and the Muslim are telling it.
Recently, the UN, that bastion of truth and tolerance, and its World Tourism Organization honoured Zimbabwe’s President Robert Mugabe as “a leader for tourism”. Kumbi Muchemwa, a spokesman for the Movement for Democratic Change, protested that, “Robert Mugabe is under international sanctions, so how do you have an international tourism ambassador who can’t travel to other countries?” Absurd as this may sound, the same UN is never questioned when it falsely accuses Israel of genocide and apartheid or of any other number of “human rights violations”.
Because the accused is Israel, and even though Jews from all across the globe may rightly and honestly defend Israel’s armed forces against such libel, no-one is listening to them.
Instead, they choose to believe the fantasies invented by the same cretins at the UN who honor Robert Mugabe as “a leader for tourism.” The world only hears what it wants to hear and disregards the rest, as the song goes.
In an age where Holocaust denial and academia-taught anti-Israel bias is gaining an unhealthy preponderance in the Western world, only those subjects pertinent to hatred of Israel and her Jews are afforded an audience. Any defense against these hatreds, whether from Jew or gentile, is impostures by a majority of the Western media as religious frenzy or neo-conservative obtuseness. Whatever is required to obfuscate a Jewish voice in defense of the State of Israel and its military, whether an over-abundance of coverage on fabricated war-crimes, such as the so-called “Jenin Massacre,” or a total blackout of accounts of Hamas missile attacks on Jewish civilian targets, any means necessary are tolerated, regardless how ludicrous, so long as Jews and the State of Israel are robbed of their day in the sun.
Bat Ye’or remarked back in 2004 that “the vast majority of Europeans today…are immersed in a culture of demonization of Israel, fomented by a European political entity in which nearly everything that is written and said on the Middle East conveys this anti-Israeli mentality.”
“We can recognize in this contemporary phenomenon,” she continues, “some aspects of the system of political, cultural and moral conditioning that led to the Shoah.” And all of this, she summates, is the stratagem for “the Euro-Arab war for the delegitimization and destruction of Israel.” [Remark: which has continued since the early 1900’s.]
The voice of the Jewish people, who are to be “a light unto the nations,” as prescribed in their Torah, is become marginalized and demeaned to the point of sounding almost emetic, not only to the unknowledgeable and naive, but especially, and most unfortunately, to those who could be instrumental in mitigating the precarious situation the Jews of Israel find themselves in today.
Regardless how sincere and amicable, all diplomacy in defense of the State of Israel is misconstrued to sound as infected with guilt, so long as it corresponds to the malign image the anti-Semites of this world wish to paint of the Jewish people. [Remark: and those willing to destroy the defenders of Israel receive more help and backing]
The Jews, as a minority in every country in which they live outside of Israel, have today become silenced by the noise and clatter of Islam’s culturally perpetuated anti-Semitism. Any voice they might have raised in defense of their ancient homeland is muted by the Arab-Muslim slander which equates Zionism with Nazism.
This slander was born in the offices of the UN and given legs by impudent Western journalists who care little about the truth and even less about the Jews. No lie is too big or too obscene for Islam’s anti-Jewish hatred, so long as it serves the needs the wicked require of it. And that need is a silenced Jewish minority.