Iranian Resistance Head Joins Online Conference on Rocket Attack on Camp Liberty

Iran Regime Shows Its Weaknesses

A day after the deadly rocket attack on Camp Liberty, Iraq, Mr. Mehdi Abrishamchi, Chairman of the Peace Committee of the National Council of Resistance of Iran participated in an online conference.

The rocket attack on Camp Liberty killed 23 unarmed camp residents, members of the Iranian opposition PMOI (also known as MEK). One of those killed in the attack was Hossein Abrichamtchi, one of the most senior officials of the Iranian Resistance, and Mr. Mehdi Abrishamchi’s brother.

The rocket attack, on a camp that is supposedly under the control of the Iraqi government, and monitored by the United Nations, was orchestrated by the Iranian mullahs’ regime, through its agents in the Iraqi government.

Mr. Mehdi Abrishamchi said “Yesterday at 19.40 (Baghdad time) the Iranian mullahs’ regime and its Iraqi agents targeted Camp Liberty near Baghdad Airport. More than 80 rockets were launched against the camp. This was the deadliest attack on Camp Liberty where the members of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran reside. The results of this deadly attack was 23 killed, 22 severely wounded and dozens more wounded.”

Mr. Mehdi Abrishamchi, Chairman of the Peace Committee of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
Mr. Mehdi Abrishamchi, Chairman of the Peace Committee of the National Council of Resistance of Iran

“They were all members of the Iranian Resistance, they had all devoted their lives to the service of others and for their people. Among them of course was Hossein Abrichamtchi, my comrade and my brother; a high commander of the National Liberation Army and senior official of the People’s Mojahedin of Iran. He was also a member of the National Council of resistance of Iran. Like each and every one of these heroes, he had a life full of courage; every minute was a fight to defend the highest common values of humanity.”

As reported by Shahriar Kia earlier this week, Russian Katyusha 122 mm rockets and Iranian Falagh rockets, similar in design to the RussianNB 24, were used against the camp.

This was not the first attack on the PMOI residents in Iraq and not even the first on Camp Liberty, where the residents had been forced to move by the United Nations in 2012. It was, however one of the deadliest attacks.

As shown in our earlier report, Heavy Missile Barrage of Camp Liberty In Iraq: 23 Defenceless PMOI Killed, the attack was so intense that many buildings in the camp caught fire and many barracks were totally destroyed.

Camp Liberty in flames after rocket attack.
Camp Liberty in flames after rocket attack.

Mr. Mehdi Abrishamchi said even though 23 of their friends were killed, it will not set back the determination of the members of the Resistance. “On the contrary, it will make us more loyal to our goal of resisting the barbaric mullahs’ dictatorship and to our strive for finally establishing democracy and respect for human rights in Iran.”

Iranian Regime Is Fragile

He said the attack indicates two very important things:

  1. It shows the fragility of a regime that has reached its end and that fears its most organized opposition to such an extent that it can’t tolerate it, knowing that this force is unarmed in a camp surrounded and controlled by Iraqi military.
  2. It reveals once more the true face of Mullah Hassan Rouhani and his Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei. To those who rely on moderation by Rouhani we say open your eyes. The same Rouhani crowned his inauguration as President with a rocket attack against Camp Liberty in 2013, and as he is expected to visit France yet again comes his mercenaries and militias to the gates of Camp Liberty to bomb the camp and flee like jackals.

Iran’s Mullahs Afraid Of The Resistance

What kind of a desperate regime is it that fears its opposition so much that it has to attack unarmed captives with hundreds of rockets? Mr. Mehdi Abrishamchi said the attack is an acknowledgement “of the influence and impact of the Iranian Resistance inside of Iran. Once again the regime refers openly to this alternative. And it is because it fears this democratic alternative that it wants to strike and physically eliminate it. Unfortunately for the regime, this has become an elusive dream.”

Rouhani Has Blood On His Hands

The so-called moderate president of Iran, Mullah Hassan Rouhani, now holds a world record in the number of hangings in his country, with 2000 executions in only 2 years. Rouhani has presided over the execution of minors, women and gays.

Mr. Abrishamchi said Rouhani is “president of amputation of body parts and the president of segregation and discrimination against women, one has to add the president of massacres and killings of the dissidents in Camp Ashraf and Camp Liberty.”

French and EU Leaders Will Soon Have Blood On Their Hands

Rouhani is preparing to visit France, and Mr. Abrishamchi said “I hope that the blood which was shed in Camp Liberty last night will let French and European leaders know what blood-stained hands they are about to shake.”

The situation in Camp Liberty is not new. Thousands of people have been warning the United Nations, the United Sates of America, The EU, and individual countries such as France and the UK for years about this, but one of them has taken any action, other than expressing fake “outrage” after each massacre of unarmed Camp Ashraf and Camp Liberty residents. All of these massacres could have been avoided “if each state didn’t act with cowardice. It is already too late for those who have been killed, but we can always act for those who are left,” Mr. Abrishamchi said.

Unfortunately, it isn’t likely to happen, because none of the states or organizations mentioned have the courage to do anything about it. There is likely to be more appeasement, more talk, more attacks and more fake outrage.

British MPs Demand Action

British MPs, members of the British Parliamentary Committee for Iran Freedom, condemned the missile attack on Camp Liberty. The MPs noted that “members of Iran’s democratic opposition, the PMOI, were forced to move in 2012 after assurances of protection by the UN and the US government. And yet we were waiting to see these promises fulfilled when this 4th deadly attack on Camp Liberty took place this evening local time, (29 October 2015).”

There were a number of warnings by MPs from both British Houses of Parliament in the past few weeks, reiterated in several conferences by the BPCIF including the most recent one in the Parliament on 19 October.

Lord Carlile of Berriew QC, co-Chair of the BPCIF reiterated the need for international intervention, in particular from the U.S. and the EU, to secure the safety of the Camp Liberty residents. Lord Carlile also called on the United Nations to institute an immediate inquiry into why and how the attack happened.

Alan Gray
Alan Gray is the Publisher and Editor-in-Chief of NewsBlaze Daily News and other online newspapers. He prefers to edit, rather than write, but sometimes an issue rears it's head and makes him start hammering away on the keyboard.

Content Expertise

Alan has been on the internet since it first started. He loves to use his expertise in content and digital marketing to help businesses grow, through managed content services. After living in the United States for 15 years, he is now in South Australia. To learn more about how Alan can help you with content marketing and managed content services, contact him by email.

Technical Expertise

Alan is also a techie. His father was a British soldier in the 4th Indian Division in WWII, with Sikhs and Gurkhas. He was a sergeant in signals and after that, he was a printer who typeset magazines and books on his linotype machine. Those skills were passed on to Alan and his brothers, who all worked for Telecom Australia, on more advanced signals (communications). After studying electronics, communications, and computing at college, and building and repairing all kinds of electronics, Alan switched to programming and team building and management.He has a fascination with shooting video footage and video editing, so watch out if he points his Canon 7d in your direction.