Shopping Bag Show, 35th Anniversary Celebration

Plein Air of Lake Natoma by Vicki Asp
Plein Air of Lake Natoma by Vicki Asp

The Shopping Bag Show at Pacific Western Traders was started when one artist; Gayle Anita, an avid tracker, started painting animal paw prints on the shopping bags at the gallery. People loved them. They started to collect them. A tradition was born.

This history has produced The Shopping Bag Show. We had no idea, when we asked the artists associated with Pacific Western Traders to decorate these bags that they would respond with such variety and creativity. Wow comes to mind! Every week, more shopping bags arrive. We continue to be amazed by the diversity of the work. Some of the artists are stepping outside their regular genre and considering the material in a new light, while others apply their usual technique to the unusual media.

Trompe loeil Antler Purse with Dentalium Necklace by Jeanne Ramos
Trompe l’oeil Antler Purse with Dentalium Necklace by Jeanne Ramos

The range of work includes: a meticulous Mosaic Turtle by Joyce Bowling, an elegant Trompe l’oeil Antler Purse with Dentalium Necklace by Jeanne Ramos, and a beautiful Plein Air of Lake Natoma by Vicki Asp. Artists continue to bring in their shopping bag creations for the show.

Some of the other artists that have created exceptional works are: Jack Alvarez, Gayle Anita, Linda Aguilar, Frank LaPena, Stan Padilla, Melissa Leal, Tony Soares, Richard Kastl, Pauline Kothman, Sage LaPena, Benjamin Torres, and Lorraine Luna.

All of the Shopping Bags will be offered for sale through a silent auction; which will run for the length of the show, starting September 30 and ending November 4.

On the first two days of the Shopping Bag Show, there is an Indian Market and Sale

Mosaic Turtle by Joyce Bowling
Mosaic Turtle by Joyce Bowling

Along with the Shopping Bag Show, September 30 and October 1, there will be an Indian Market and Sale, from 10:00 to 5:00, with demonstrations, music and dance by Native American Artists.

Mary Youngblood (Grammy Award Winner) will be here on Saturday from 12:00 – 3:00 to sign her CDs and play. The Maidu Dancers and Traditionalists will be here Sunday at 2:00.

The Indian Markets are another tradition at Pacific Western Traders. Native American Artists from throughout California will gather to show and sell their work. It is a time to meet the artists and renew friendships.

The Artists participating in the Market are:

Linda Aguilar (Chumash) Horsehair Basketry

Pauline Kothman (Yurok) Abalone and Sterling Jewelry

Richard Kastl (Osage) Jewelry

Stan Padilla (Yaqui) Jewelry and Paintings

William Pink (Pala) Southern California Traditional Arts

Melissa Leal (Chumash) Steatite Carvings and Jewelry

Tony Soares, Southern California Pottery

Jeremy Peconom (Honey Lake Maidu) Traditional California Arts

Ann and Ellen Poitras (Lakota/Chippewa) Abalone Jewelry and Quilts

Dixie Rogers (Karuk) Traditional Basketry and Jewelry

Joyce Bowling (Cherokee) Basketry and Beadwork

Courtney Puffer
Courtney Puffer is a writer and art dealer, who runs Pacific Western Traders with his father, Herb, in Folsom, California. Courtney is extremely knowledgeable about native American art and customs. Sadly, Courtney passed away on 17th September, 2008, while on a business trip, but his writing lives on at NewsBlaze.