Martha Liechta grew up in the small town in Switzerland called Bern. As a child she had experienced much pain with Rheumatic Fever and other illnesses. Martha however had determination and after battling her illness for 6 months, she started getting involved in physical education classes. Later in high school she would enter track, swimming, and other sports, displaying her athletic skills, despite her prior shortcomings.
Throughout grade school and high school she reached out to always help the less fortunate. Always taking time to listen to someone’s problems or helping them with their chores, whether it be shopping, baby sitting or cleaning someone’s house, Martha was there, willing and able with loving thoughts. She has a gift from God, that she continues to use today. During her high school, it was a time when she also won numerous awards for her athletic skills.

At the age of 22, she met Jacob Allemann, a Swiss born Veteran of World War 11. “I remember I was on a train going to Europe when I met Jacob. It was by sheer co incidence, I had to move from one seat away from a gentleman who was drinking. So I asked to sit across the way, where I met the man I would eventually marry, Jacob Allemann,” she stated.
What was most unusual though was Martha Allemann deciding to take a trip to Chicago to learn English at the time. Instead, Jacob’s sister, Alice Larkin, had other plans and invited Martha to Rome, New York. Her ticket was paid, and since she admired what a gentlemen Jacob was, decided to go to Rome instead. What Martha didn’t know was a pre-planned wedding by Alice Larkin for her to marry her brother. It was quite a surprise for Martha, who had never been abroad. She however felt comfortable with Jacob and married him. After a few years of working, while Jacob was in the ice business delivering ice, both decided to open a supermarket.
Allemann’s market served the community just outside of Rome, New York. It wasn’t long before Martha had two boys, Peter and James. Still having all the determination to help people and be a good business person, Martha found time to love her husband, despite the interference with relatives. Martha attended college, and also traveled a bit. She took her boys to Bern, Switzerland to meet her relatives.
She also found time to bring them to exciting restaurants such as Harts Hill Inn in Orsikany and Trinkaus Manor in Syracuse, where her boys got a chance to see Patti Page and Sammy Davis Jr. Martha to this day at the age of 91 1/2, encourages her boys to always be positive and continue to respect older people. While Allemann’s Market was doing well, stress took a toll on Jacob Allemann, who passed in 1966, when the oldest boy graduated from Rome Free Academy. By then, both young men had their feet planted in what they would pursue as a career.
James became a builder of homes and Peter went to acting school in New York. While James wanted a tranquil life, Peter decided to leave New York and move to Hollywood where he would become a singer, eventually opening in main showrooms in Las Vegas, as well as becoming a journalist and talk show host. Shortly after, Peter would then produce and direct half hour entertainment television shows and eventually produce feature films.
“My Mother always encouraged me to sing and be self productive, ensuring my independence and responsibility,” Peter said.
James on the other hand, got married and stayed in Rome, learning the skills of carpentry and martial arts. His success was in building a strong foundation with family values, to guide his children in being responsible citizens.
Martha Allemann continues to inspire people and looks for the world to learn more compassion and understanding. Her wishes are to be remembered as the Guardian Angel, as one day she says, “Soon it will be time to go to Heaven. I’ll be helping there, too.”