Author and child advocate Donna Kshir has been hard at work on her 14th book expected to be released on Black Friday. Now writing exclusively under her own publishing company K-Pott Books with co-writer Sandra Potter, Kshir also writes a weekly column for the Detroit Examiner, and mentors high school students.
She also runs a branch of the nonprofit organization, Dreamcatchers for Abused Children, in the community and continues to further her education in child advocacy.
Last December, Kshir assisted a Clinton County family and was called upon by the court to testify on behalf of the children. Something that was quite normal over the last nine years. As Kshir testified to the court, the defense attorney pressed Kshir on her credentials.
The advocate fell back on her ongoing training and continuous work with victims of child abuse over the last nine years, but the defense attorney insisted it wasn’t enough. However, the Dreamcatchers organization requires each advocate to be trained on all current child abuse and statistics data available.
Sources state to be an expert in the field of child advocacy, it requires one year of continuous work with victims of abuse; something Kshir surpassed some time ago.

Kshir said, “I spent nine years fighting for children but on this day I felt like this man had a personal agenda against me. I felt like he attacked me only to discredit me in the eyes of the court to help his client. Sad but true.”
Kshir admits to being upset by his statements and she took it personally; promising herself as she exited the court house that day to never find herself in that position again. She spent the next few weeks investigating child care and child advocacy programs. After several weeks, she found the perfect fit, signed up and began her journey.
“I never had anyone question my qualifications before. I have testified many times. We have assisted over five million people and not one of those families had a problem with me or my qualifications; they were always grateful for my dedication to help their child,” Kshir said. “I was able to assist them, get their child the help they needed and start their journey to recovery. This man totally blew me away. I never had anyone basically call me out for wanting to help a child that I believed was in danger,” she added.
Kshir received a diploma as a Mandated Reporter through the New York State Office of Children and Family Services, a diploma in Childhood Sexual Abuse Prevention Training through Stewards of Children, a diploma in Child Protection Awareness Training through the Professional Learning and Leadership Development Directorate, a diploma in Investigating Strangulation through the Strangulation Training Institute and a diploma in Intimate Partner Violence through the National Children’s Advocacy Center.
Currently Kshir is expected to receive her diploma with high honors in the Fundamentals of Childhood and Youth Studies through Alison University in October.
Kshir encourages others to take a stand against child abuse. “Too many innocent children are being seriously injured and killed, and this needs to stop. I know child abuse is ugly, I’ve seen it firsthand. A close friend of mine had to bury her two year old son because of a man she thought she could trust. Anyone can be an abuser – Anyone! I know one wants to hear about it or see it but its a reality,” Kshir said. “If you see something, hear something or suspect something pick up the phone and make that call. It may just save a child’s life,” she added.
View Donna M. Kshir’s resume on