Femen, a group of Ukranian women who sometimes stage topless protests, today released a statement condemning what they describe as “sexist” and “degrading” statements by Ukrainian President Yanukovich at the recent Davros summit.
Four topless members demonstrated their displeasure at noon on February 2 by giving the finger to the government.
In a Web page translation (Google Chrome browser) Femen called the Ukrainian’s statements “humiliating for women” and carrying signs saying “shat in the soul,” and calling for “Yanukovych’s impeachment.”
One of the main complaints of Femen is that their country is being widely promoted for sex tourism and that the government is at the very least not working to stop this.
Their press release concludes:
“FEMEN calls on the international community to ignore the clumsy blunders of our President, and once again reminds the world that Ukraine is not a brothel, and Ukrainian women are not prostitutes.”
(Note, translation from the original was performed automatically by the Google Chrome browser.)
Sex tourism, which was once mostly a problem in south East Asia, is becoming a major problem in poor European countries and former Soviet Union republics.