How do you pick up chicks in 3D glasses?


ESPN going 3D

Remember the days at the local sports bar, when you went to watch the game with your friends, while being served alcohol laden drinks by the local talent?

Well the drinks, game and talent will still be there. But your chances of scoring with said talent has just diminished by two fold. Not like the jersey wearing, beer swilling, Neanderthal had much of a chance anyway. Now add a pair of geeky 3-D glasses, and you have created the ultimate argument for abstinence for hot bar-maids across the nation. Geek meets Neanderthal, thanks ESPN.

ESPN will enter the third dimension in 2010.

ESPN 3D will showcase a minimum of 85 live sporting events during its first year, beginning June 11 with the first 2010 FIFA World Cup match, featuring South Africa versus Mexico, ESPN and ABC Sports president George Bodenheimer announced.


ESPN and many other companies are sinking tons of money into the new technology, that Avatar and IMAX has made famous. But are they taking into consideration the social aspect of sport? I have a hard time seeing a Buffalo Wild Wings packed with sports fans wearing 3D glasses. I just think the novelty will eventually wear off at social venues for everyday games. Although I must admit, my inner geek has been awaken to the prospect of watching sport at home in 3D. Because at home no matter what I wear, if I’m watching sport, I’m not getting lucky. This is the mind of the stay at home dad.

William Armstrong
William Armstrong
William Armstrong is a lifelong Michigan Fan now living in Tennessee, where he is starved for information regarding his Michigan Wolverines and the Big Ten in general. That is the reason he writes about University of Michigan Sport. Contact him at his blog

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