
Al Sharpton Takes on ESPN, Advertisers and Fans in Losing Effort

The Reverend Al Sharpton wants sports fans to mix it up with the political world. That is not a request, rather his demand. Al...

NBC Ignored Weinstein Story for Reasons Very Questionable

The liberal media becomes more exposed by the day for their utter bias. In an effort to conceal fellow traveler Harvey Weinstein's harassment towards...

Liberal Media and Late Night Comedians Ignore Pervert Harvey Weinstein

Harvey Weinstein, Hollywood producer, champion of multiple liberal causes and abuser of women was kicked out of his own company. Weinstein, who stands accused...

Liberals Reenact Julius Caesar With Harvey Weinstein in Starring Role

The rats are deserting the USS Harvey Weinstein. In this case they include top Congressional Democrats such as Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and...

The Border Wall Will Be Erected, Thanks To Donald Trump

On Wednesday this week, the House Homeland Security Committee finally approved a border security bill. This bill allocates $15 billion in funding. $10 billion...


