Tattoo Removal At An All Time High

Tattoos are growing in popularity. At the minute, roughly one in three young adults living in the UK has at least one tattoo; the number of people with tattoos is expected to keep on rising. Some keep their tattoos permanently but others, for one reason or another, decide to have them removed, which fuels the growing tattoo removal industry.

Why Do People Want Their Tattoos Removed?

There are many reasons why people choose to have their tattoos removed. Sometimes the tattooist makes an error and tattoos come out with spelling mistakes, or the tattooist simply did a poor job. People opt for tattoo removal because they want a better chance of getting certain jobs. Some don’t want their children to see them. A reason that many people go for tattoo removal is because they’ve got a tattoo of their ex, or the tattoo no longer has the meaning it once had. Regret is ultimately the main reason why people choose to have their tattoos removed, with one in three people citing this as a reason why they have their body art removed.

Why Is Tattoo Removal So Popular?

The main reason why tattoo removal has become so popular is that so many of us are getting tattoos. It stands to reason that the more people there are with tattoos, the more people there will be that want them removed. Another reason is that the procedures for tattoo removal are becoming a lot more accessible. Many tattoo parlours these days also function as removal shops, offering tattoo removal services alongside their tattoo application services. They offer this extra service not only to bring in more money, but also so their customers know exactly where to go should they want their tattoo removed for any reason.

How Does Tattoo Removal Work?

Tattoos consist of a series of ink deposits that are embedded deep in your skin. Laser light is applied to the area of your skin where the tattoo is. The energy from this light causes the particles of tattoo ink to shatter and break up into smaller particles. Over the next few days and weeks, these smaller ink particles are gradually flushed away by your body’s immune system, causing the tattoo to eventually fade away altogether. Lasers have evolved over the years and today many companies use the award-winning PicoSure laser, which delivers much better results and can be used on all skin types.

Is it expensive?

The average removal session in the UK costs around £200; the larger the tattoo and the more colours it has, the more sessions you’ll need to get the whole thing completely removed. Some people end up spending many hours getting their tattoo removed and end up having to pay in excess of £1,000 for the procedures. Having a tattoo removed always costs a lot more than getting a tattoo.

Does it take a long time?

Removal sessions can last anywhere between 10 minutes and an hour, or even longer. You’ll require numerous sessions to get your tattoo removed, though the number of sessions depends on the size of the tattoo, the colours of the tattoo and the depth of the ink. It should take at least a month or longer for your tattoo to be completely removed.

Tattoo removal is a big and growing business because there’s a growing demand for it. Because it’s so costly and time-consuming, the next time you want a tattoo, think twice about whether it’s really what you want.

laser tattoo removal.
Laser removing a tattoo.
Anne Lawson
Anne Lawson is a British writer who keeps her eye on business and trending issues that affect us all. She loves to delve into the real story and give us interesting tidbits we might otherwise miss.