Recently, fifty-five service members stationed at Fort Polk, along with their families enjoyed an Appreciation Dinner at the Wagon Master Steakhouse in Leesville, Louisiana. Those in attendance were treated to a night of fun and camaraderie. Sponsored by Freedom Alliance, the dinner was held to honor the troops for their service and sacrifice.
“Words like duty, sacrifice and honor are defined by the men and women of the U.S. military,” stated Freedom Alliance President Tom Kilgannon. “Freedom Alliance works very hard to show these soldiers that we understand, support, and are very appreciative of the job they are doing to protect our freedom and this country. It is our hope that through these dinners, we can honor our brave military personnel as much as they honor us.”
Freedom Alliance regularly hosts “Troop Appreciation Dinners” for service members from all branches around the country to honor and thank them for their service and sacrifice for our country. So far this year, Freedom Alliance has held dinners for troops at Fort Gordon, Georgia; Fort Carson, Colorado; and the Brooke Army Medical Center in Texas. These dinners are held for wounded service members recovering in Warrior Transition Units, those returning home from overseas duty, those recuperating in military hospitals, and many others stationed throughout the United States.
In addition to hosting Troop Appreciation Dinners, Freedom Alliance distributes “Gifts from Home” care packages to military personnel deployed overseas and provides scholarships to children of military heroes, among other programs. For more information please visit