.” ..Whatever we can do, we WILL do it…”
Bonnie Averett – VP Veterans Affairs
Bonnie joined Soldiers’ Angels in October 2004 and, in her words: “I jumped in with both feet, and have been going full throttle ever since.”
Joining originally as a quilter, Bonnie now oversees all the Veterans Affairs teams. She tells of the beginnings of the Soldiers’ Angels VA teams in March 2007, and about the initial wish lists from the VA centers, and how they make every wish happen.
Working alongside the VA as complementary volunteers, Bonnie describes the process that all Soldiers’ Angels volunteers have to go through, before they can be accredited by the VA. The Soldiers’ Angels VA teams have now been divided into four regions across the US.
Bonnie talks about the importance of supporting all the troops fighting now, who in 20 years will be our veterans. She explains how the Soldiers’ Angels “Batphone List” works. She echoes every Soldier’s Angel when she says that Soldiers’ Angels helps ALL veterans – not just OIF/OEF.
.” .I just want to do more. If I could adopt every one of them…”
In the video, Bob Calvert, host of the Talking With Heroes radio show, interviewed Bonnie at the Soldiers’ Angels Executive Leadership Conference, in Pasadena, California, where 150 Soldiers’ Angels and their supporters flew in, many meeting for the first time, after working together for years.
The Talking With Heroes radio show airs on Stardust Radio on the internet, every Sunday evening at 5pm PST.